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Psychology Questions and Answers

Psychology questions and answers

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Previously Submitted Psychology Questions & Answers

Click below to read contributions from other visitors to the Psychology Q & A page.

Enmeshed Relationship 
What is an enmeshed relationship, and how can I tell if I’m in one?

Why Do We Like Horror Movies 
Why do we like horror movies despite feeling scared?

Impacts of Helicopter Parenting on Young Adults 
How does helicopter parenting impact young adults' mental health and autonomy development?

Biting Your Tongue 
Is there a psychological term for the difference in brain reaction pain of biting your tongue by accident, as opposed to on purpose. I realise it's a silly …

Active-Mind Psychology 
What happens to a thought when it is forgotten about?

Hungry Judge Effect 
How does the Hungry Judge Effect influence judicial decisions and what are its implications for legal fairness?

What does the Japanese word "Komorebi" mean and how is it used in culture?

Psychological Momentum 
What is psychological momentum and how does it impact performance in sports and everyday life?

The IKEA Effect 
What is the IKEA Effect and how does it influence consumer behavior?

Existential Crisis 
What are the signs and causes of an existential crisis?

Coping with Loneliness 
What are some effective strategies for coping with loneliness?

Role Play Scenario or Situation Creation 
How do you come up with scenarios or situations to role play? I've been asking people about it, but their suggestions seemed empty. Like one advised me …

Trauma in Infancy 
My son is 19 and he has struggled with anxiety & depression. It became very apparent when he started school and got worse each year. At the time I didn’t …

Introvert Meaning 
What is the true meaning of introversion?

Clutter Blindness 
What is clutter blindness and how does it affect individuals?

Psychology of Stalking 
I've just finished watching Baby Reindeer on Netflix and I'd love to know what the psychological motivations behind stalking behaviour are.

Female Psychopaths 
What are the characteristics and behaviors of female psychopaths?

Postpartum Rage 
I read a Forbes article which stated that despite the significant impact that postpartum rage can have on new mothers, it is "remarkably understudied". …

Behavior Triggers 
What are common triggers that influence behavior, and how can I better understand and manage them?

Adult Friendship 
What are some effective strategies for building and maintaining meaningful friendships as an adult?

Serial Killer Traits 
What are the common traits or characteristics observed in serial killers?

Being A People Pleaser 
Is my tendency to constantly seek approval and accommodate others a sign of being a people pleaser, and if so, how can I better understand and address …

Psychological Theories 
I’ve set a lofty or an over ambitious goal of reading and gathering psychological theories or principles starting from prehistorical religion up until …

Click here to write your own.

Skill Improvement 
How do you come up with exercises to improve a specific skill? I can only think of two or three exercises at best, but I need more If I want to improve. …

Limits of Self Control Improvement 
I’ve been trying to improve my self-control or willpower incrementally, 5 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, so on and so forth. Is there a ceiling to how …

How to Deal With Regret 
I can't stop thinking about all the things in my past that I wish I had done differently. How do you deal with regret and move past it?

What Are the Symptoms of Sundowning?

Cognitivism Learning Theory 
How does cognitivism learning theory explain the role of mental processes such as perception, memory, and problem-solving in learning?

Psychology of Ownership 
How does the psychological concept of ownership influence our behavior and attitudes towards possessions?

The Psychology of Celebrity Crushes 
To what extent do celebrity crushes reflect our psychological needs for connection, fantasy fulfillment, and admiration, and how do these infatuations …

The Psychology Behind Comfort Shows 
What are the psychological drivers behind comfort shows, and how do they provide solace and emotional support?

Living Authentically 
How can I live more authentically?

Get the Ick 
Why do some individuals experience sudden aversion or disgust towards someone they were initially attracted to, leading to the phenomenon known as 'the …

Inyeon: The Korean Philosophy of Relationships 
What psychological mechanisms contribute to the formation and experience of deep, predestined connections in relationships, as exemplified by the concept …

Copycat Killers 
I read that the murders committed by Jack the Ripper inspired numerous copycat killings. Psychologically speaking, what would motivate someone to become …

Mindful Eating 
Why do people (myself included) eat more than we should and what can we do to eat more mindfully?

Moral Psychology 
I read an article featuring Robert Downey Jr who said that developing a "moral psychology" helped him through his darkest days. What is moral psychology? …

What is psychopharmacological therapy?

self sabotage 
What causes self-sabotaging behavior?

A protective layer around my thoughts 
I have a rather silly question. Whenever I think, it feels like there is a protective layer around a space where I think that separates me from a whole …

Who and what are supercommunicators?

Avoidant Label 
Is there a term for avoidant personality disorder but without fear of criticism/rejection?

What is fictophilia?

Worrying About What Others Think 
I have always been incredibly self-conscious, particularly when it comes to what other people think of me. How can I stop worrying so much about what others …

The Psychology Behind Black Friday 
Can someone please explain the psychology behind Black Friday. I just don't get all the shopping hype and hysteria.

Superiority Complex 
Whenever I meet someone for the first time, especially if they are the same gender, I always "size them up". I always want to think that they are somehow …

Memory Echoes 
I experience what I can only describe as 'memory echoes, where I get a strong feeling of 'didn't I do this before?' when recalling a memory. Most often …

Psychology of Conspiracy Theories 
Why do so many people believe in conspiracy theories?

Click here to write your own.

Exploding Head Syndrome 
What Is Exploding Head Syndrome?

What Is Solastalgia?

Is Being a Fantasist Harmful 
I have an older brother (50 years of age) who makes up fantastic stories about past glory days. He seems to fantasize about things he wishes he had done/been, …

Dark Humor 
Why do so many people use dark humor, even though they know it might cause upset and offence?

Visual Imagery Benefits 
Can creating visual images in your mind help you learn skills or enhance task performance?

What Is the Peak-End Rule? 
Could someone please explain what the peak-end rule is all about.

Principles of Attachment Theory 
What are the main principles of attachment theory?

What Makes a Person Accident-Prone? 
I have a friend whose nickname is "hazard" because of his accident-proneness. Are some people naturally predisposed to accident-proneness?

Abstract Reasoning 
I was told by a psychologist that I scored in the 95th percentile in abstract reasoning. I wasn’t told much about what it meant. When I asked what can …

Why We Love Superheroes 
Why do so many people love superheroes?

Character Vs. Personality 
What does psychology have to say about the difference between character and personality?

What is Emotional Intelligence? 
What Is the Meaning of Emotional Intelligence?

Does Birth Order Affect Your Personality? 
To what extent is your personality affected by the order in which you were born in your family.

How to Start a Conversation 
Does anybody have any tips on how to effectively start a conversation?

Color Psychology Question 
How do colors affect mood, emotion, and psychological wellbeing?

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs 
What are the 5 levels of Maslow hierarchy of needs?

Illusory Truth Effect 
What is the Illusory Truth Effect?

Psychology of Escapism 
Psychologically speaking, what is escapist behavior?

Negativity Bias 
Why do people tend to dwell on negative things rather than positive things.

PSYOP Meaning 
I'm doing some background research on psychological operations (PSYOP) and need a clear and concise definition of what PSYOP means. I would be super grateful …

Freudian Defense Mechanism 
Could someone please explain in simple terms what a Freudian defense mechanism is and provide a good example.

What is Computational Psychology 
I read an article about artificial intelligence (AI), that mentioned computational psychology. It's not a type of psychology I've come across before and …

What Does Sensory Deprivation Do to a Person 
What are the psychological after effects of 96 hours light, sound, and human contact deprivation?

Program Compliance Measure 
I am a doctoral student in clinical psychology. For my dissertation, I would like to find some kind of assessment or measure that will give me data on …

Psychology of the Criminally Insane 
I'm very interested in the psychology of the Criminally Insane, as it intrigues me how the human mind works, and why certain people behave the way they …

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Do I Have Social Anxiety 
I am very talkative with my friends and I am also the one to make everybody laugh. I feel relaxed and comfortable when I go out with friends I know very …

Kurt Lewin Theory 
I read somewhere that Kurt Lewin developed the theory of association, which was the forerunner of behaviorism. I have been trying to find more information …

What Is the Social Exchange Theory 
What are the central principles of social exchange theory?

I Think My Friend Has Narcissistic Personality Disorder 
I think one of my friends has a narcissistic personality. I have known him for over a year and he has often struck me with his "peculiar" reactions to …

Strange Irrational Fears 
I have a nearly overpowering fear of abandoned/deserted structures and landmarks, i.e., malls, amusement parks, drive-in movie screens, etc. The only thing …

Person Centered Therapy 
What are the main principles of Carl Rogers' person centered therapy?

What is an Example of Availability Heuristic 
I would be really grateful if someone could give me a simple example of the availability heuristic. Thank you.

Why Do We Daydream 
What does psychology have to say about the purpose of daydreaming?

Independent and Dependent Variable 
Is the item being measured by the experimenter in response to experimental manipulations, the independent variable or the dependent variable?

Emotional Detachment 
What causes emotional detachment?

Self Induced Amnesia 
Is it possible to self induce amnesia?

Terrible Memory for Remembering Names 
I have a terrible memory for remembering names. Is there anything I can do to improve this using tips and research findings from psychology?

Getting More Socially Awkward 
Something I've noticed getting progressively worse over time is my social interaction with people. I used to be a happy-go-lucky always giddy class clown …

Crying with Laughter: The Transition from Laughter to Feelings of Sorrow and Sadness 
I am wondering what the exact physiological and psychological process are that makes you cry when you laugh too hard. When this happens to me, sometimes …

Parameters of the Beck Depression Inventory 
What are the parameters of the Beck Depression Inventory. Does the Beck Depression Inventory also give general diagnoses of say bipolar issues, narcissistic …

Asking for a friend 
Is there a term for when people pretend to get advice for a "friend" when the advice is really for them? And what are the psychological issues at play …

left brain vs right brain 
Is it true that the left side of the brain is especially adapted for the production and understanding of speech, while the right side of the brain is especially …

Dealing with critical people 
My Mom is one of the critical people in my life. She and others have only negative concerns to express about my goals and plans. When I plan a trip out …

HRV analysis question 
Hello, I want to learn how can I transfer the arrows that indicate time from AcqKnowledge to Kubios? Should I write the time points in Kubios manually? …

Scoring manuals for the basic empathy scale 
I'm a psychology student currently doing a research paper. I wondered if anybody could tell me how I could get hold of the scoring manuals for the following …

Sometimes I find it difficult to understand what they teach me in class 
I find it difficult to revise what I have learnt.

Psychological Trait in Human Behavior  
What is the trait for constantly high jacking every conversation to be about them, their experience, their thought and feelings?

The Fear of Filling out Forms 
For years now - as long as I can remember, actually - I have had an almost pathological dread of forms. Yes, filling out a "simple" form, be it employment …

Freud Defense mechanism  
An overweight woman who has a secret stash of candy in her office at work constantly criticizes everyone else about their calorie and fat intake and is …

Leveraging Environmental Psychology to Drive Eco-Friendly Behavior 
How can knowledge of the field of environmental psychology be used to promote environmentally friendly behavior?

Click here to write your own.

Psychology and Criminology 
What is the relationship between Psychology and Criminology?

How Can I Stop Fearing The Worst 
My mother is always fearing the worst and now I am thinking like this too. Something bad happens to someone and we both feel it will happen to us. Sometimes …

The Psychology of Having The Last Word 
I am constantly told that I always "Have to get in the last word" when having a discussion. I don't feel that I need to get in the last word, I'm just …

Being Made Fun of at Work 
Sometimes at work I am flakey. I was just born like that and cant help it. My boss is always making fun of me, but waits until people are around to laugh …

No Anger At All 
I'm 26 and despite being picked on and such when I was in school, somehow I have managed to show no anger towards anyone at all. I don't let it ball up …

How to find a goal that is meaningful 
I am stuck. I no longer know what I want from my life. I have a roof over my head, sufficient money to provide for my needs (nothing excessive), …

Escaping into Fantasy 
I'm placing this question here because I'm too embarrassed to ask my therapist about it. When I was a child, I used to go off into my bedroom and secretly …

Believing Something is True Despite The Facts 
Is there a name for the phenomenon of believing something is true solely because your want or need for it to be true? Like if I truly believed a movie …

Borderline Personality Disorder 
I'm 16 and my emotions have always been over the top and so I looked up emotional issues and came across this disorder. I have most of the symptoms but …

Fear of Restricted Movement of Specific Limbs 
O.K., so the title pretty much gave it away. As long as I can remember, I have had to fight feelings of panic if the movement of my arms is restricted …

Self-Esteem in Infertile Couples 
I am psychologist interested in research on infertile couples. I would be grateful if anybody could guide me on how I can get more references on this topic. …

Narcissistic Personality Disorder? 
I have a guy that works for me that is extremely annoying. I think he has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He is constantly talking about how awesome …

Rage Treatment 
I'm a 43-year-old man. I consider myself one of the most laid-back people I know. I am rarely angry, and even though I may cuss at traffic now and then, …

OCD Symptoms 
Hi all, I wanted to find a more reliable website to ask around whether if anyone knows whether I should talk to my doctor about this, or if these are …

Psychological Scales 
I'm a psychology student currently doing a research paper. I wondered if anybody could tell me how I could get hold of the scoring manuals for the following …

How To Move On? 
I recently began dating a woman and she had an ex boyfriend that lived in another state. The relationship was good at first but then his true colors came …

Trauma Psychology 
What is it called when someone experiences a trauma so severe that they refuse to speak? Why does this happen? Is it something actually damaged in the …

Criminal Psychology Questions 
Hello, I'm currently a freshmen student and this is my second semester. I'm supposed to know my major by now and I really have high hopes of becoming a …

Mental Health Question 
What are the general symptoms of a person who has 'lost their mind' as a result of the Chinese Water Torture or Water Boarding? Is there any way, through …

Friendship Psychology 
Let's start it off with some background of me: I am Senior in high school and the type of person who is a man of few words. I get along with everyone. …

Parents Creating Personality Traits For Their Children 
Ever since my sister and I were small children, our parents have imposed personality traits upon us. For example, our parents have always labeled my sister …

Anti Personality Disorder 
I have a grandson who has been diagnosed with anti personality disorder. He has been in jail for 7 months. He wants to come live with my husband & I. He …

Psychology of Friendship 
My girlfriend is currently attending mortuary college, she loves it and although at first she was set on becoming an embalmer, she recently showed interest …

Excessive Behavior 
Can excessive behavior be a mental or psychological problem? Not meaning excessive in drinking or eating or anything in particular but doing everything …

Constantly Thinking About Food 
What is the psychological term for a disorder that makes a person constantly and consistently think about food. Their whole day is planned around food …

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Communication Strategy Needed 
My brother is 27, I am 30. He makes good money, contributes 1/4 of his paycheck to the house cost but spends the rest on friends, partying, clothing, and …

Conversations Without Shared Context 
My mother, now in her eighties, has always had one odd characteristic, becoming somewhat more common lately. On a reasonably regular basis, she would begin …

Night Terrors 
My friend's brother is 14 and he has nightmares of the sort that terrorize him. He can't sleep alone, so my friend always sleeps next to him and holds …

Psychological Invalidation 
I have recently gained some insight on the literature regarding invalidation, suppression & enmeshment in childhood. If you had a case study of a child/adolescent/adu …

Imaginary Friends 
My granddaughter is 11 years old and has been having difficulties in school this year. She is very small for her age and very thin. She entered the Middle …

Controlling Behavior 
I am 17 and my boyfriend is 18. I know that he has a social anxiety disorder and ADD, but that he is on medication. He texts me frequently asking to know …

Multiple Personality Disorder Question 
First of all apologies for knowing very little about psychology so my question may be a stupid one. If you have multiple personality disorder, is it …

Relationship Advice 
My wife has a very poor self image. When she is under pressure or stress, regardless of the source, the final result is that it is all my fault. I make …

Does This Psychological Disorder Have A Name? 
I know there is something wrong with me. I just need to know if it has a name. For as long as I can remember, I've talked to myself...long conversations …

Repressed Memory? 
I have been married for more than 20 years and have only recently discovered that my husband is a narcissist. This realization explains so many situations …

Senior Project on Schizophrenia 
Last year, I did my junior paper on schizophrenia. This year, I have to do a senior product relating to my paper in some way but I can't really think of …

Socially Awkward 
I'm a 24 year old male, always stressed out about something, be it school, money or relationships, but I have issues with remembering...mainly the sequence …

Inability To Lie or To Repress Thoughts 
I'm a writer and I'm working on a story about a character that can't stop himself from saying exactly what he's thinking at any given moment. My question …

Unusual Habit 
Could someone help me understand this unusual habit I've got? I frequently say arbitrary names out of the blue. Most often, the name I say at this time …

Child Psychology Advice 
My friend "Justin" has a 3 year old son, who has recently been acting strangely. His ability to walk and run and hold himself up and balance, has been …

Flat Affect 
Can someone give me an in depth description of the term "flat affect". Thank you.

Antisocial Personality Disorder Question 
Can a person have an antisocial personality disorder (clinically) without violent or criminal tendencies?

Organizational and Industrial Psychology 
I currently have a PsyD degree in clinical psychology and I am interested in gaining further education and experience in organizational and industrial …

General Psychology Question 
What is the psychological term for someone obsessed with constantly checking their email, cell phone use, and texting?

What Psychological Disorder is This? 
I am 16 years old and being treated for depression and anxiety disorders. I have social skills problems but it is not Aspergers. It looks similar to that …

Psychologists Questions 
What are the kind of questions psychologists ask when trying to determine if a behavior is abnormal?

Mental Psychology 
Is it a psychological problem, "so to say", for someone to think that they can't? On any situation or choice?

Decision Making Bias 
What is the name of the phenomenon whereby people over-value the opinion of someone they know relative to the results of, say, a survey sampling thousands …

Why Do People Ask Questions They Already Know The Answer To? 
Why do people ask questions they already know the answer to? I am doing a research project on this topic for my introductory psychology class. I have some …

Biological Psychology Questions (Brain Function) 
How does the brain work when studying for an exam? What part of the brain are most/least active and what are they responsible for? What neurotransmitters …

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Compulsive Stealing and Lying 
Is there a deep rooted problem causing my 16 yr old daughter's stealing and lying? If so, how can she be helped?

Psychological Behaviour 
Hi there, can anyone please explain to me why my brother inlaw acts the way does. Let me explain; simply put he is 23 yrs of age and doesn’t like his family …

Borderline Personality Disorder 
I am having a very hard time dealing with my mother's personality issues. As an adult after a lifetime of dealing with it, I have resentments and little …

Day Dreaming As A Defense Mechanism 
Is day dreaming a defense mechanism? I'm asking this because I've been using daydreaming as a way to reduce my anxiety and worries.

Appropriate Psychological Help 
I have an IQ of 143. It's great and all until so many things come attached. I suffer from severe depression and low self-esteem. I'm also a perfectionist …

Motivation Psychology 
What does it mean when you cannot stick with anything for any length of time? To be unable to reach goals or maintain commitments due to loss of motivation? …

The Psychology of Fantasy 
I have an older brother (50 years of age) who makes up fantastic stories about past glory days. He seems to fantasize about things he wishes he had done/been, …

Why Can I Ask Why? 
Why do I have self consciousness or am aware of self? In the grand scheme of the universe, what is it's purpose? If no other creature has the ability to …

Psychology of Jealousy 
Is it normal for a mother to feel jealous of her son's girlfriend or wife? I've been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years, when we first got together, …

Behavior Categorization 
Ever since I was little I've had a very good imagination. Whenever I got a "good movie" going on in my head, so to speak, I would pace back and forth and …

Afraid To Sleep 
I don't have nightmares or night terrors and I have never been a victim of violent crime but I sleep with a gun under my pillow, a shotgun under my bed, …

Psychological Issues With Urination 
My parents were divorced when I was 2 and a half; I am an only child (f). When I was 6 my mother started going out with an abusive drunk who I really didn't …

Is There Something Wrong With Me? 
I think there is something wrong with me. I went into the cupboard to get some chips but in the bag there were chips that were deformed or slightly off. …

Master's in Organizational Psychology in Dubai 
Is it possible to undertake a Master's degree in Organizational Psychology in Dubai? If so, which universities offer the course? I've been doing some research …

Boy Dressed As A Girl 
My daughter-in-law dresses my 2yr old grandson in dresses and pigtails. She says it is to not "force" gender rules upon him. She also throws away the boy …

Attached To my Psychotherapist 
I have seen numerous Mental Health professionals since I was 15 for mood swings, anger, anxiety, depression, ptsd, phobias, impulses & now as of 3yrs ago, …

Food Addiction 
I am a food addict. I am trying to control the urge to overeat, when I do fight the urge I feel like a crack addict going through withdrawl. Lately I've …

Narcissistic Behavior 
What are the current thoughts on what causes narcissistic behavior? Is it hereditary or environmental?

Abandonment Issue 
If a child (now an adult) is going to visit the absent father specifically for the purpose of discussing how she felt abandoned by him, should the child …

Mental Health Diagnosis 
My mother over the last 10 years has believed she is a god. She can go from happy to extremely depressed. She has stopped contact with most friends. She …

Referring To Self as "We" 
I have a friend who when talking about himself, says "we". As in "We made dinner" or "We answered emails". What does this mean? It is very annoying.

Road Rage 
I have experienced this situation before. I was recently driving in to town from my home. I have to drive down approximately 5 miles of gravel road before …

Reactive Attachment Disorder 
I know that Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) is normally associated with children but I've heard that adults have it too. Can anybody tell me about adult …

Face Emotion 
What's the psychology term related to how cute baby faces (puppies, seals, human babies) elicit care from moms/parents and from donors/campaign supporters …

Changing Career To Psychology 
After searching for so long, this website is a God send for me. I am a software professional working in a software giant earning a lot of money, though …

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Adultry and Remaining Friends 
I found out that my wife had a one-time affair with another man, and since that time she felt so guilty that they stopped being romantically involved. …

Zoning Out 
I have a younger sister who 'zones out' sometimes. It doesn't happen too often (I think), and when it does she usually just stares off into space and acts …

Psychology of Art 
What is the psychological reason for a person to make a portrait of his image in sculptures?

Professional Psychologist 
What exactly does a Professional Psychologist do? Where can a Professional Psychologist work? How much can a Professional Psychologist earn? How many …

Grief and Loss 
My wife died at 49 18 months ago, we were together 18 yrs. I still cry two or more times a day is that normal?

Addicted To Thinking and Rumination 
Hey people, I'm addicted to thinking. It's hurting me alot and I can't help it. I'm 25 and male. The problem is that I can't sit at my desk for maybe 10 …

Military PTSD 
Just the other day, my boyfriend and I had a perfect day together. But the following day he did a total 180. He wont speak to me, talk to me, show affection …

Online Degree in Psychology 
I am looking for an official ACCREDITED BA/BS online degree in Psychology from a UK or USA University. I am looking for a low cost degree, one University …

Psychological Jargon 
I am reading a book where the main character's psychiatrist says "he experiences very intense anxiety surrounding phallic and sadistic sexuality because …

Psychologist Interview Questions 
I am a freshmen student taking a B.S course in Psychology. We have project in general psychology and we need to conduct an interview with a psychologist …

Psychological Treatment 
What psychological treatment would you give to someone whom is trying to cope with a death in family, struggling with career choices and relationship problems? …

A Prisoner in My Own Home 
What does it mean when your husband says "I'm a prisoner in my own home?" He has ADHD, a long history of viewing porngraphy, impulusivity, and has lost …

Door Closing Obsession 
When I was little I remember being obsessed with keeping all doors closed to each room inside the house. For some reason that stopped for some time, but …

Starting But Not Finishing Behavior 
Is there a diagnosis for people who start things, but never finish them? To start out excited and enthusiatic, spending money to get the project start …

Counseling Psychology College 
I'm in high school and am exploring my options for my future education. I would like to become a Counseling psychologist. I would like my PhD in Counseling …

Psychology of Love 
Why is it that you have to love yourself first to love others? I do understand that we need to be able to be comfortable with ourselves and feel that we …

Multiple Personality 
I feel as if I have 3 personalities that I switch from. One personality is miserable depressed basically eveything negative, the other is in the middle, …

Dreams Meaning 
I was recently in a very large group of people talking about dreams and found that only I and one other girl dream from other people's perspectives. Is …

Analyzing This Personality Type 
Hi Psych Q&A. Recently, but not newly, my mother has progressively been breaking down due to stress. She has been more and more intolerable to her 87-year-old …

Insecurities From The Past 
I'm 23 and about a year ago I gave birth to my first child. I am 5'2 and 132Ibs. I would not consider myself obese but yes a little chubby in some areas. …

Rocking Back and Forth 
I always rock back and forth and sway when I sit in a constant motion, and I also do this when I stand; and I pace alot. Someone said it was psychological. …

Abnormal Psychology Question 
What type of degree is required if you want to become an abnormal psychologist?

Biology and Behavior  
Why do you think some observers think it would be dangerous to adhere to an extreme heredity view of psychological traits?

Altruism Psychology 
Why should we not argue against altruism?

Opposite of Hoarding 
I've seen the show and read an interesting book review in the NY Times about hoarding. My question is whether there is an opposite condition in which a …

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Mimicking Behavior 
My cousin seems to be obsessed in doing, wearing, mimicking everything that I do. Is there a name for this type of behavior? She will even try to steal …

Stanley Milgram Experiment 
How was the famous Stanley Milgram obedience to authority experiment carried out?

Psychology Paper 
Does anybody know where I can access information or resources that will help me tackle the following psychology assignment? What was the impact …

Psychologist Questions 
What are the three "big questions" psychologists try to answer?

Teen Depression 
I don't know if this is a part of psychology but for the last 1-2 years, I have been feeling that everything seems to feel meaningless, and I've started …

Abstract Thinking 
What is abstract thinking?

Psychology of Love 
Can a person really love another if they do not respect that person?

FBI Profiler 
Hi my name is Sandy Ramon and I live in New Haven Connecticut U.S.A and I want to be a psychologist when I'm older because I want to work for the FBI. …

Psychological Phenomena 
I'm wondering if there is a term for the phenomenon where an individual subconsciously buys into society's stereotypes about a group that they belong to …

Fear of Success 
I have a strange problem from my childhood. I have a fear of success'. Since my childhood I was always average academically and all my siblings were very …

Terms of Endearment 
Why do middle-aged and older women use terms of endearment, such as honey, hon or sweetie when speaking to colleagues, peers, even clients?

Personality Theory 
Is there a theory that discusses how the traits/personalities of people are a result of external factors in life? For example : Explaining how …

Hereditary Depression 
My Father, Mother and brother all suffered from depression. In 1996 my Father and brother both comitted suicide and my Mom died from cancer that same year. …

Coprolalia-Like Symptoms 
Since I was around 15, I've had Coprolalia-like symptoms where I have trouble controlling profane outbursts. However all of these outbursts are generally …

ADHD Therapy  
I am an adult that was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 30. Since being diagnosed I have tried a combination of medication and therapy but 3 years ago …

Father and Daughter Feud 
Hi I have a problem with my daughter, and I would like to get advice on how to handle it, she would not speak with me and doesn`t answer my calls this …

Multiple Personality Disorder 
Recently I have noticed changes in my friends memory. At first, she would appear tired and then take a nap and would wake up a couple minutes later. Then …

Psychological Freedom 
What does it mean if I have feelings of confusion about life and what I want and what makes me happy? I feel as if I am tied to all these great people …

Evolutionary Psychologists  
Can anybody help me fill in the gap? Evolutionary Psychologists are more directly concerned with the impact of _______ on behavior?

Absence of a Mother 
My father got custody of me when I was 2 years old and I didnt see my mother again until I was 8 when my parents got back together. After meeting each …

Involuntary geriatric pseudo--phonation 
Can you please suggest what might be causing a relatively constant grunting or whimpering in my 93 year old widowed mom, in probable stage 3 or 4 dementia, …

Devil's Advocate 
Can someone please help me understand what makes a person play the devil's advocate with every sentence other people utter around them. It is one of the …

Does a persons writing reflect their personality?

Teenage Self Esteem 
My 14 year old son thinks that he is not worthy of anything he does or says. He is very bright, straight A student, has four friends he is very close with, …

Split Brain Patient 
If a split brain patient has a picture of a knife flashed to her left hemisphere and a fork to her right, what will she be able to identify in each hand? …

Click here to write your own.

Psychology Career Questions 
I am a first year psychology student. My first assignment is to ask three questions that will be relevant to my career in psychology. I would apreciate …

Disturbing Behavior 
I am very close to a person who has disturbing behaviour and I need some objective comments concerning it. This person sort of takes over the friends and …

Psychology Career 
I am in the IT field and have been so for approximately 16 years. I feel like I have reached the peak of my career in IT, and I am looking at making a …

Meta Analysis 
I need to find some examples of studies that effectively use meta analysis, particularly where meta analysis is employed to increase reliability and validity. …

Stanley Milgram Experiment 
How was data gathered in the Stanley Milgram experiment?

Love Hate Psychology 
Is it possible for a man who has been divorced from his ex-wife for over 10 years and expresses extreme hatred for her often to be in fact still in some …

Health Psychologist 
I am interested in taking up my academic studies again with a view to ultimately qualifying as a Health Psychologist. To date, my academic studies …

Risk Psychology 
My wife recently decided to get a motorcyle licence. She did not tell me about it just did it. When I found out about it I told her I did not want her …

Sports Psychology Degree 
I need some advice. I have been searching for 3 days already for a Bachelor´s (undergraduate) degree in sports and exercise psychology in Europe, but NOT …

Babinski Reflux 
How does the Babinski Reflux help babies to survive?

Classic Psychology 
I am looking for a psychology book that presents classic developments in psychology without distortion. For example, most recent textbooks I've looked …

Extreme Aversion To The Smell of Alcohol 
My boyfriend is extremely sensitive to the smell of alcohol, so much so that if he is around it too long he will throw up. He has never really drank alcohol …

Causes of Violence? 
What are some causes of violence? I need to know for research.

People Who Can't Stop Talking About Themselves 
I am trying to understand the underlying mechanics of why some people can't stop talking about themselves? I know this one person who is always talking …

IQ Question 
What is the difference between superior IQ, and superior intellect?

Neuropsychology Question 
What is the gap between neurons called?

Sentence Completion Test 
Is it okay to translate the Sentence Completion Test to your native language so test takers could express themselves better? Or should you only administer …

Psychological Problem 
Hi. I am Sandeep Kandale living in India. From last couple of months (Years I should say) I am facing some psychological problem. Whenever I come to …

Psychology and Hunger 
What does it mean when a person gets hungry when talking with a specific person?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder 
I was diagnosed with PTSD ten years ago. I had never heard of it, but 2 doctors diagnosed me with it. My symptoms were extreme paranoia, insomnia, horrible …

Transpersonal Psychology 
Hi. I am doing my masters in psychology from India part time. I am interested in masters in Transpersonal Psychology . How should go about achieving …

How long is the healing period after a person ends a marriage engagement? In terms of being ready for another relationship?

Psychology of Trust 
I'd like to know a bit more about the psychology of trust. I've read snippets of research papers around the place, but no full text articles or e-books. …

Psychology of Stealing 
I am 22 years old and I know that stealing is bad habit but I used to steal money to fulfill my simple wishes. I Have been stealing money since I was 12 …

Child Behavior 
Back in September my seven year old daughter cut her hair drastically. When she looked in the mirror and noticed how much she had cut she was embarrassed …

Click here to write your own.

Psychological Intolerance 
My relative can be nice, but like her sister (who I married) they have zero tolerance to anything said that may sound remotely like criticism. They both …

Psychology of Touch 
Hello there. First of all a short intro of me; I'm a 26 year old dude from Norway. I'm 183 cm and 110 kg. Meaning I'm heavy build guy but with a somewhat …

Psychology of Superheroes 
Hi i am looking in to how psychoanalysis and psychology can be applied to superhero texts for an essay for my media studies degree. I was wondering …

Depression Test 
Which of the following is NOT true concerning depression ? A. Depression is more common in females than in males. B. Most depressive episodes …

Human Social Behavior (Touch) Question 
What could cause an aversion to human touch? I have a friend who describes it to me as feeling 'incredibly uncomfortable' with human touch. She says that …

Stage 1 Sleep 
What vivid mental images may occur just as one enters stage 1 sleep?

Psychology in South Africa 
Hi. Where can I find information on undergraduate psychology education in South Africa? Mainly the development of the education of psychology in South …

Carl Jung Question 
Does anybody know where and when Carl Jung wrote 'The healthy man does not torture others - generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers'. This …

Classic Condtioning and Operant Condtioning 
Can someone please explain these two learning methods in a very basic form. I am having a challenging time internalizing classical conditioning. Thanks. …

Behavioural Psychology 
I've not done any courses on psychology, but the subject greatly interests me and I've done a lot of research on my own time in to it. However, I'm not …

Child Development 
What are the sensory and perceptual abilities of a newborn?

Developmental Psychology 
Can you suggest a psychology site to get more information about developmental psychology?

Freudian Psychology 
According to Freud , pleasure from nursing your baby is reflected in which part of the personality?

Psychology Experiment 
In a well conducted psychology experiment, there should be only one difference between its various conditions. This difference is the.........?

Forensic Psychology And Criminal Psychology Courses 
I would like to know what subjects I need to take to get my Masters Degree in forensic psychology or criminal psychology . I am taking my associates …

Is Psychology A Science 
I have seen enough evidence to show that psychology is a science, but what are the weaknesses of psychology as a science?

Psychology As The Behaviorist Views It Query 
Who published "Psychology As The Behaviorist Views It?"

I took this introduction to psychology class in college and my professor said that most people don't daydream (maybe dream too, I don't remember) in new …

My boss is Driving Me Crazy! Can You Help Me Figure Her Out? 
I have a feeling this won't be easy to answer without lots of detail but here goes. My boss constantly feels the need to disagree with me. If I say it's …

Dreams and the Brain 
How exactly does our brain work when it comes to dreams? What happens at night? Are there any sort of chemical reactions that cause such a thing? P.S. …

Psychology Questions 
Hi my name is Myriah and I'm a Highschool student in a Psychology class and our first assignment is to write 30 questions we would like to know about Psychology …

Cognitive Psychology Question 
This may take a little explaining - but obviously your mind is a powerful tool. I was wondering if it is possible to make myself see things that arn't …

Psychology Definition 
What is the definition of psychology?

Creative Intelligence Paper 
What kind of questions can I ask a parent to find out about how I exhibited early creative intelligent behavior?

Freud Analysis Confusion 
Recently, when I was at a Barnes & Noble, I had the opportunity to read Sigmund Freud's essay, "A Child id Being Beaten". I must admit I don't have …

Click here to write your own.

Girlfriend Calls Me her Ex'es Name Accidentally. What's The Psych Deal? 
Hi, SCENARIO: --------- My girlfriend comes back to the table from a restroom break, and accidentally calls me by her ex'es name. She denies any …

Master's Degree in Psychology 
Can I study a Master's degree in psychology if my bachelor degree was an education major? Thank you.

Workplace Psychology Phenomenon 
My company makes a security awareness product that requires employeees to read and acknowledge policies. It then tests employee knowledge via multiple-choice …

Mental Health Question 
Someone I knew once described to me that sometimes he felt as though he had 12 tv channels switched on in his head at once. He had some medication which …

Personality Type Based on What Time I Set My Alarm 
When I set my alarm I use a random number. For example 9:01 or 9:22 but never for 9:00 or 9:30. Also, when I use the microwave, I don't set anything for …

Super Ego, Id 
Hi. First, excuse my broken English. The question is: Did Sigmund Freud believe that the "super ego" was "solely" acquired? the same for id. Citation …

Behaviorism Question 
Behaviorism was an early "school" or approach to psychology that was founded by: Edward L. Thorndike, John B. Watson, B.F. Skinner, or Albert Bandura?

The Behaviorist Approach 
Which of the following was NOT a challege to the behaviorist approach? a. language b. attention c. vigilance d. s-r learning.

The field of psychoneuroimmunology studies what?

Difference between "self" and "personality" 
What is the difference between self and personality?

Freud Influences 
What influenced the ideas of Sigmund Freud?

Deep Psychological Testing 
Not sure if this is the right place to answer a question like this but either way I appreciate your time. First a little context :) I’m an aspiring …

Phobia Name 
Is there a psychological term for someone who has a fear of having their picture taken?

Psychologist Vs Psychiatrist 
What are the differences and similarities between a psychiatrist and a psychologist?

Psychological Term 
What is the term for a person that creates a problem and provides the solution, in order to appear smart or heroic?

Operant Conditioning 
When a previously conditioned response decreases in frequency and eventually disappears this is called what?

Subconscious Jealousy 
Is there such a thing as subconscious jealousy, and if so, what results from it?

Dyslexia: Theory or Hypothesis? 
I'm doing a master's assignment on the phonological deficit hypothesis / theory of dyslexia - a literature review (3000 words). My dilemma is that my lecture …

Child Parenting Psychology  
My ex-boy friend and I have a six years old son. He is English, and lives in England, and I live in USA, but for the last six years all three of us have …

Psychology of Thought 
What exactly are thoughts?

Requirements to Become A Criminal Psychologist? 
What GCSE's do you require to become a criminal psychologist? (Sometimes known as a forensic psychologist).

Study Material on Military Psychology 
Hello everybody. I am a student of psychology who wants to prepare for exams but haven't got enough material to bank upon and write good answers on the …

The First Priming Experiments 
Does anyone know when the first psychologist(s) performed priming experiments? When were the first stereotype priming experiments? I'm trying to get a …

Slip of The Tongue ? 
My parent continues to occasionally call my spouse (and me) by the wrong name, generally the name of another friend or relative. Same parent will sometimes …

Standard Deviation 
Hi, can someone please explain how to calculate the following? The PDI has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. Using that information, answer …

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Further Education in Psychology 
I did my MSc psychology in 2003 now I want to get further education in clinical or counselling psychology. After a long gap is it possible to get further …

Psychology of Tying knots in String 
I tie knots in string then tie to my belt, I twist the knot between my index finger and thumb, have huge callous on index finger side and whole tip of …

Being Tense Around A Person 
I'm really tense around this one person. I see them everyday and I get really aggrivated everytime I see them. I can't stand being in the same room and …

Child Psychology Questions 
I am curious about the implications abandonment can have on children. My daughter is 5 1/2 years old. Her father has never been involved in her life …

Counseling Psychologist 
What GCSE's do I need to become a counseling psychologist?

Mathematical Minds versus Artistic Minds 
I am curious as to if any studies have been done on the difference between how artistic people solve problems versus how mathematically inclined people …

Community Psychology 
What's the difference between community psychology and other forms of social psychology?

How does the DSM-IV work? what are the 5 levels and what do they have to do with the 3 components diagnostic classification, diagnostic criteria and descriptive …

Stroop Effect 
For my AP Psychology class I must find two studies that support and two studies that refute the original stroop effect study from 1935. Every study I have …

Cannabis Psychosis 
I was wondering if anyone might know where I can purchase video tapes regarding Marijuana use being a possible link to schizophrenia/psychosis. I am a …

Sports Psychology 
I am looking for information on the field of Sports Psychology. I understand this is an up and coming field but I can not seem to find any info regarding …

Clinical And Counseling Psychology 
I have a BA degree in Psychology. What is the difference between Clincal and Counseling Psychology?

Psychology And Motivation in The Workplace 
How would you describe the psychological role of motivation in the workplace?

Syndrome Name 
I was wondering if anyone knew the name of a syndrome. I ran across it and now can't remember the name. But the syndrome was about when you learn something …

Three Box Theory 
Could anyone possibly tell me what the Three Box Theory is?

Psychology Work Experience Question 
I am studying for a BSc (Hons) degree in Human Psychology. During the 2009/10 academic year, as part of the course, I am planning to undertake a placement …

Sport Psychology 
I would like to do a Masters in sport psychology and need to find schools in the UK preferrably but schools that offer it in the USA and Canada will be …

Memory Experiment 
I am hoping you can help me. I have been searching the Internet trying to find a copy of a tale used in an experiment on memory. I thought it was used …

Psychology Definitions 
What is the definition of human behaviour, overt behaviour, covert behaviour, mental process, natural science, social science, theory, research, general …

Occupational Therapy Psychology 
I would like to know the difference between an occupational psychologist and an occupational therapist in terms of educational qualifications, duties and …

Psychology Careers 
I would like to know what kind of job a fresh psychology graduate like me be would be able to do before I move on to do my Masters in Occupation Psychology. …

Psychology of Superheroes 
I need to know some examples of psychology from the movie Spiderman 2. I need to know how Spiderman is a complex study of psychology. Thank you for your …

Community Psychology 
Community Psychology question. What are effective family based prevention programs?

Psychological Questions 
I have been asked a few psychological type questions and told what the answers mean (such as your favourite colour and why it means what you think about …

History of Psychology 
What is the history of psychology?

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Psychology Degree Course 
What subjects do I need to study to get on a psychology degree course?

Psychology Questions 
What is psychology and when did it start as a science?

The Psychology of Hoarding 
My mom likes to keep all old, unused, broken or spoilt things. My house is full of empty bottles, can, container, newspapers, flyers, old clothes, old …

Left Brain Right Brain 
Psychology question. Is it the left side of the brain that is said to influence humanistic and emotional behaviour and the right side analytical and mechanical …

What Subjects Are Needed To Study Psychology 
What subjects do you need to study psychology? Im not sure if you need maths because I'm hoping to drop it this year. Please help!! xx

Psychology Question 
Hello. I would like to know if the following has some type of name or diagnosis in psychological terms. Any help would be much appreciated. I am currently …

Types of Data in Psychology Experiments 
Experimental design and statistics in psychology question. What is the difference between category and ordinal data? Related Information on the All …

Psychology of Talking 
I know someone who is 10 years who talks a lot when he is in his house, but doesn't say a word in school; I mean not even a sound. He doesn't even talk …

Can A Marriage Between A Narcissist And A Sociopath Work? 
I have been puzzled by a relationship that is working as if it were "made in heaven". It is only 6 months old and the wedding is in a few weeks time, so …

Social Shyness 
I am 16 years old, and I am somewhat of a shy person. I am with my friends often, but even around them I am somewhat shy. I am afraid to say much in fear …

Child Psychology Question 
I am a Director for a Child Development Center. I have a divorced couple who have one son who is four years of age. The father who only has visitation …

Dealing with Jealousy 
What is the best way to deal with a person who is extremely jealous? I was friends with this person for about 2 years. I recently got a great job, got …

Thought Disorder 
I was just told my son (almost 21) that he has emerging thought disorder and I can't find any information on this subject. Can anyone explain this one …

Why Did She Murder? 
Psycho test. At her mothers funeral a woman falls madly in love with a guy she's never met. She didn't get his name, number, or anything. A few …

Thumb Sucking 
I am a 24 year old woman, I have always struggled with low self esteem, I am a middle child and have an awkward, resentful relationship with my parents …

Can Bipolar Disorder Lead To Schizophrenia 
My wife's ex-husband has been displaying increasingly odd behaviors over the last four years. He was diagnosed as bi-polar and was on meds, (depacote?). …

Child Aggression 
I recently visited a friends house for the first time. The youngest child is a very sweet, outgoing child, but she seemed very needy and in fact, pushy …

Absence of a Father Figure During Childhood 
Besides the Freud perspective, is there any place I can start looking to find out issues/problems women tend to have due to absence of a father figure …

Social Networking Sites Questionnaire 
Hi everyone. I am a final year psychology student and for my dissertation I am investigating effects of facebook use on health. I am struggling to find …

How to tell a person his loved one is dead? 
My brother in law was giving his 9 year old granddaughter a ride on his Harley Davidson motorcycle 20 days ago. An 89 year old woman turned into them …

Psychology: Stimuli and Sensation - Question 
How does stimulus trigger a sensory response?

Profile Of Mood States 
Does anyone know where I can find the Profile Of Mood States to assess the way caffeine influences mood?

Mature Students 
Is being a mature student a disadvantge if you want a career in psychology? Related Information & Resources Psychology Student Survival Guide (Useful …

Computer Games Addiction 
I am addicted to basic computer games such as solitaire, free cell, etc. I waste hours of my day playing them over and over and can't seem to quit. What …

Teen Music Obsession 
I wanted to find out if there is a disorder for which someone is obsessed with a certain type of music and could it influence them? My teenage son has …

Click here to write your own.

Unusual Thoughts 
Hello All. For a couple of weeks I've being having some unusual thoughts. For example. While I'm boiling water on the gas stove, I imagine keeping my hand …

Counseling and Psychology 
While looking at some colleges, I noticed that some of them offer a major in Counseling, while others offer a major in Psychology. Can Psychology majors …

Psychology Stress 
We have been given an assignment in our MBA class in which we have been shown a picture of a very thin 6 year old child. We have been asked to list the …

Child Psychology Question 
My son is 5 and his mother and I were advised by his kindergarten teacher that he is having sad spells and doing things to get attention. We, his parents, …

Psychology Pakistan 
I am Pakistan-based journalist, but also have an interest in psychology. I have studied a lot of psychology related literature. Could anyone guide me how …

Correct Psychological Term 
Does anybody know the correct definition for the act of a person repeating something false until they believe it them self and convince others that the …

Psychologically Coping With Loss of Vision 
Hi, I was diagnosed with the eye disease Retinitis Pigmentosa at age 8. The doctors say that I have give or take 7 years before I will become legally blind. …

Goals of Psychology 
What goal is reached when a psychologist tells a client to use mental imagery in an attempt to help the person cope with a problem?

Master's Degree in Psychology 
Can a psychologist be in practice with a Master's Degree in Psychology, or is a higher degree required?

Psychology of Perception 
Describe the perceptual selectivity process with its accompanying perceptual cues?

Memory Psychology 
How will a subject who realizes that a string of letters FBICIATWAATT isn’t random but is really the familiar acronyms: FBI, CIA, TWA, and ATT do on …

Criminal Psychology in India 
I want to persue M.A in criminal psychology. Can anybody guide me about the universities offering this course in india and also about previous question …

Psychology of Liking 
Can anyone answer: Is it a global (cross-cultural) phenomenon that if a person really likes or dislikes someone/something, that no matter what that object …

What is Wrong? 
OK, I've noticed this for some time now, but I just don't know where else to turn. I get this heavy feeling in my head, I feel like I can't have fun, even …

Anterograde Amnesia 
I wanted to find out where I could watch or get hold of videos on Patient H.M. or on anterograde amnesia. I need them urgently for my psychology project. …

Is there a link between sexual activity and bullying. Not rated yet
The woman that I live with who is now my wife, is very strong minded to the extent that it verges on bullying. I found that when we had sex, the bullying …

What is it Called When....? Not rated yet
Hi, I am dating someone who constantly talks about body functions. It's embarrassing in public and turns me off. Examples: A. At dinner orders …

Opening of a Psychology Session Not rated yet
I recently had numerous sessions with a Psychologist and she did something with me which irritated yet intrigued me. When I walked into the room and …

Misbehaving Toddler Not rated yet
My daughter and her 3 year old son live with us since losing her apartment. I feel good that he has a stable environment and consistent routines as she …

Side Effect of Dementia or Not? Not rated yet
My wife had been having memory issues. She had what was called a psychotic event where she got lost and was missing for 36 hrs. After testing, her Neuro-psychologist …

Designing Questions To Predict Future Behavior Not rated yet
I've recently become aware (probably from reading Malcolm Gladwell) that psychologists and/or sociologists have long known that, if you want to find out …

Calculated Behavior Not rated yet
I work in retail and my manager always talks in a really low voice so you can barely hear him. He is also very vague when delegating responsibilities. …

Psychology of Regret Not rated yet
I'm a 41 years old male, married have 2 sons and a charming wife. Off late some memories of my past sweep past me as though they happened just yesterday. …

Self Defeating Behaviors Not rated yet
I am a 52 year old male, but since I was a kid this has always been a problem for me. I spoke to a college psychologist about this behavior when I was …

Popular Psychology Term: Emotional Button Not rated yet
Is the term "emotional button" or "psychological button" a technical term? Or, is it just a pop psych saying? If it is technical, is it Freudian? …

Click here to write your own.

Graduate Studies in Psychology Not rated yet
Hi, I am very much interested in taking up child/counselling psychology for my graduate degree. I hold a B.Tech (4 year) degree in Bioinformatics. I …

Eating Disorder? Not rated yet
OK, I am 28 a year old male, and I have had OCD all my life. I'm also probably depressed. I started taking Prozac and Xanax (generic) daily a few years …

Best Interests of My Child Not rated yet
I am a mother of a 5 year old adoptive child. I got divorced 2 weeks ago after a nasty divorce process which dragged on for 3 years. I was given custody …

What To Call Step Mom? Not rated yet
My son's wife died a couple of years ago leaving him alone with a 1-yo baby. He has since remarried and he and his wife have a baby boy. The step mom is …

Psychological Urge To Jump Not rated yet
Why do humans have the feeling or sensation to want to jump from a tall building or tower etc. Most humans get this urge when up high. Is this something …

Child and Cultural Psychology Not rated yet
My daughter is nine years and attends a school that is multi-cultural. I have always taught her not to distinguish by the color of ones skin color, to …

Social Development Question Not rated yet
My Mother died when my son was eight months old and he does not have any memories of this. My wife and I have answered any questions about the death to …

Psychology Internship in India Not rated yet
Hi! I am from India. One of my friends studying in the UK told me that any kind of work experience or internship that we do after graduation (3 years honours …

Cognition and Music Not rated yet
Why does a particular piece of music come to mind? Suddenly, without any obvious trigger, one begins to hum or whistle a tune that seems "to pop" into …

Childcare Research Not rated yet
Good day! I'm a psychologist and a student of Moscow State University. I'm writing a diploma. The topic of my diploma is associated with features of parent-child …

Personality Type Not rated yet
I am researching a character in a play who burned her dolls instead of letting them be given away. She was twenty three at the time. What type of …

Therapist Client Relationship Not rated yet
I am beginning a Master's program in social work this fall. I am a second career student and also have been seeing a therapist of my own for a little more …

Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-iii Not rated yet
I had to take the Millon test a second time because the psychologist I saw said that I had too many false answers. I took it again and assumed I was starting …

Subjects Needed To Study Psychology Not rated yet
Hey Michael here, I am currently at the point where I have to decide what subjects I would like to do for my leaving cert and I have made it my goal to …

Strange Involuntary Reaction Not rated yet
Every time someone's angry or someone's shouting, even if it isn't directed at me, I shiver. It's always happened, as far back as I can remember. Can someone …

Self-Defeating Behavior Not rated yet
I had something really traumatic happen to happen to me a couple years ago and I hit rock bottom. I lost my life savings, my job and my home in the financial …

Is This A Psychological Problem? Not rated yet
Quite frequently when I read, I'll run into certain abstract words that I can't seem to "understand." On some level I know the meanings of the words, and …

Referencing Articles Not rated yet
I'm looking at Rubin and Peplau's (1975) article on Just world beliefs for an essay I'm writing. I'm wondering that since I'm commenting on the studies …

Child Behavior Question Not rated yet
My daughter is 12 years old and she is a perfectly healthy preteen, however, she has always been a shy and anxious child (never anything to severe tho). …

Psychoanalysis As A Sociocultural Movement Not rated yet
I have the impression that the first and second generation of psychoanalysts had political aims. They were Europeans. In the United States, psychoanalysis …

Stress Reaction Not rated yet
I would like to know if I am just paranoid or stressed out or even if it's normal to think this way? When ever I hear sirens or see an ambulance I always …

Workplace Psychology Not rated yet
I'm taking a workplace psychology course and am a bit confused on this question. The history of science is related to the history of psychology because... …

The Effects of Stress on The Human Body Not rated yet
I was a psychology major in the 1960s. One of the textbooks I used discussed the effects of stress on the human body. The text included photo-copies of …

Never Frightened Not rated yet
I happen to know this man for the last 34 years. He's now 53, and I NEVER, EVER saw him get frightened. I mean, even when he was involved in a car crash, …

Survival Mode Not rated yet
After I took an IQ test the counselor said that I was in survival mode. What did she mean by that?

Click here to write your own.

Chewing Habit Not rated yet
Since I was about seven years old, I've always had a habit of constantly chewing on things or poking my lips. I always chew on pencils, and still always …

Overcoming Inadequacy Not rated yet
I need to know how to get over feelings of inadequacy and not feeling like I am good enough for my relationship. My boyfriend is always very supportive, …

Interacting With Others Not rated yet
I'm just wondering how to not feel intimidated when I'm in a group with big personalities so that I end up acting introverted. I wish to embrace all the …

What To Tell The Kids Not rated yet
My wife and I are parents of girls ages 8 and 10. Seven years ago when I was in my late 40's, I was contacted by a man who claimed to be my biological …

Right About Everything Not rated yet
What is it about a person that makes them have to be right about everything to the point of making things up? This person will do anything to get their …

Study Options For Child Psychology Not rated yet
Hi I'm taking my GCSE options in a few weeks and was wondering what I should take to give me the best chance of becoming a child psychologist? I would …

Explaining Death To Children Not rated yet
My children are 2, 5 and 7 and their grandmother is in her final days maybe weeks of cancer. They are begging to see her but she looks really bad and I …

Group Dynamics Not rated yet
Is it natural for people to try to blend in with a group rather than making their own choice and going against the group's idea or choice? Related …

Language Processing Disorder? Not rated yet
A client of mine, she's 9, doesn't seem to be progressing at all. I am extremely worried about her, and her parents haven't gotten her a neuropsych yet. …

Empathetic Illness Not rated yet
Whenever my mother is sick, I feel the same exact symptoms she feels, even though I don't have her illness. I just suffer the symptoms. Why?

Child Psychology Not rated yet
Does keeping a child away from something (toys, sugar, TV) make them crave it more when introduced to it later in life? Related Information on The …

Criminality Not rated yet
Is criminality defined as a 'personality flaw' by the discipline of psychology? I have researched what criminality is and also have looked at what makes …

Clinical Psychologist Question Not rated yet
If a pediatrician refers a child to a clinical psychologist does this mean they have a mental health problem and can the clinical psychologist offer a …

Co-Worker Psychology Not rated yet
I have a co worker who can be the nicest person one day, and walk in the next day to be the biggest you know what on the face of the planet. It makes for …

Attachment Disorder? Not rated yet
Is there a reason why I become unusually sad when people of any degree of closeness to me leave my life? for example, recently one of my co workers moved …

Dissociative Memory Not rated yet
I am incapable of bringing up in my mind a mental picture of anyone in my family. I recognize their picture if I see it. However, if you were to ask me …

Mental Health Not rated yet
I am a complete introvert and INTJ (personality type). I don't like social interaction; I avoid it. I prefer solitary activities and I enjoy intellectual …

Psychology Underpinning Behavior Not rated yet
What would be the reason why an adult daughter of 43 years would continually do some kind of small damage in her moms home when no one can see her do it? …

Psychology Wikis Not rated yet
I am a student doing some research and could not find the answers to my questions. Do psychologist use internal wikis? What types of online information …

Fundamental Attribution Error Not rated yet
What is fundamental attribution error?

Statistics in Psychology Not rated yet
What are the assumptions and calculation of partial and multiple correlation? Related Information on The All About Psychology Website Psychology …

Feeling Lost Not rated yet
I cannot remember the last time I had a plan for myself that was not related to business. I struggle to make even the simplest plan for myself, even medical …

Psychology of Touching Not rated yet
I can't stand being touched by any person (even my parents) without permission. When I touch someone on purpose and someone touches me back- it's all right. …

Life Span Development Not rated yet
Does anybody know where I can find an accurate definition of life span development?

Child and Adolescent Psychology Not rated yet
I found out during my research both boys and girls in a community sample become more positive with age, whereas girls are more negative about themselves …

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Why Did I Change? Not rated yet
I retired two years ago. Since then I have turned over all major responsibility to my wife. We now list her as head of household and I turned over all …

Memory Recall Accuracy Not rated yet
I had an incident over 8 years ago while living at my mother's home when I was pregnant. My sister who was around 17 or 18 at the time (I was 20) had …

PsyD Question Not rated yet
I am an international student from India and have completed my B.Sc. in Psychology from the U.K. which was a 3 year programme and BPS accredited. I am …

Personal Bias Research  Not rated yet
I'm doing research for a professor and can't find information on the following topic. Can anyone help? I am suppose to find literature that discusses …

Social Contact Not rated yet
I always feel the need to have people around me, and to please people to a great extent. If people are not around me, I almost feel depressed, and I always …

Character Flaw Not rated yet
I am wondering why I find myself saying things in situations with a group of friends where I will take the opportunity to try and be funny at the expense …

Masters Level Psychology in India Not rated yet
I'm a B.A 3rd year student with psychology, ancient Indian history and english as my subjects. I want to know about colleges in India offering MSc in psychology …

College Student Social Support Scale Not rated yet
Hi there, I am a 4th year psych student at the University of Glasgow. I am doing my 4th year project on perceptions of social support at university. I …

Developing A Positive Self Concept Not rated yet
I have read about an experiment describing how rats were handled in a very positive way with impressive results in their overall performance. My little …

Amnesia Question Not rated yet
My friend claims to have amnesia and not remember anything up until she was about 12. I strongly believe she is lying, but got caught up in the lie and …

Manic Depression Symptoms Not rated yet
I am 24 years old and for my whole life, I have had constant consistency issues with my life. At school I was a brilliant student but could NEVER stay …

Body Language Question Not rated yet
What does it indicate when a person constantly rolls her eyes upward toward the ceiling, back and forth, fluttering eyelids many times in the course of …

Psychology of Temptation Not rated yet
What causes us to be tempted?

Child Psychology And Development Not rated yet
My 7 year old step-daughter is in 1st grade, she has been tested for add, adhd and autism. The only thing the therapist said is that she had a delay in …

Smiling Psychology Not rated yet
Why is it that whenever I try to smile in public without meaning it (fake) tears start coming out of my eyes? My eyes get wet and then I try to avoid smiling …

Psychologists in The Media Not rated yet
How are psychologists viewed in the media? and what is the most frequent type of job you see psychologists in the media doing?

Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis Not rated yet
I am writing a paper for my History of Psychology course and I am focusing on the development of psychoanalysis. I want to include psychotherapy and would …

Measuring Stress Not rated yet
Could someone please give me information about the widely used measurement for stress among adolescents.

Cannabis and Creativity Not rated yet
Hi, for my dissertation I am looking to see if there is a link between cannabis and creativity, however, I'm finding it difficult to find a suitable creativity …

Child Psychology Question Not rated yet
Hi psychology Q&A, I have a seven year old boy. I would describe him as a very fun loving and care free boy who is faring reasonably well in most of his …

Empathy Question Not rated yet
My son is 4 years of age and he is in pre k, he has got really close to one person and at the end of this month his little friend will be moving out of …

Self Castration Not rated yet
A person associated with a spiritual organisation as a frequent visitor recently chopped off his organ. Why would anyone do so? After the act he walked …

Psychological Study Samples Not rated yet
Can anybody tell me what the advantages and disadvantages are of using restricted samples in psychological studies?

Taking Credit For Something Someone Else Did Not rated yet
My mother has an extreme problem for taking credit for something someone else did. No matter how small. Why does she do this? For example, saying she bought …

Friend Does Inappropriate Things He Can't Remember Doing Not rated yet
A friend and I recently went to an Indian restaurant. It was still early in the evening and we ordered food and drinks. The drink were non alcoholic and …

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Flash Bulb Memory Not rated yet
What is flash bulb memory?

Mind's Eye Not rated yet
I have a problem, at least I think it is a problem. When I picture my boyfriend at night or when I am day dreaming I picture him differently than what …

Psychology Career Direction Advice Not rated yet
I am looking to make a significant career change from landscape architect to psychology. I have limited financial resources and time, but a deep desire …

Counseling Psychologists Not rated yet
What type of questions do counseling psychologists ask?

Relationship Fear Not rated yet
My question is regarding a man I am currently in a relationship with who has children. He recently stated the reason he doesn't invite me to do things …

Psychology Crossword Question Not rated yet
The ability to attend to only one voice out of many is the ------------- effect (13 letters).

Why Psychology? Not rated yet
Why did you major in psychology?

Schizophrenia Questions Not rated yet
According to statistics, what would be the % of children who would inherit schizophrenia from their parent? Is it possible that they might inherit another …

Psychology Vocabulary Not rated yet
Is there a technical term for the phenomenon of associating otherwise unrelated experiences, e.g., a particular song with a specific place or person, or …

Self Harm Attention Seeking Not rated yet
What is the professional term for someone who hurts themselves for attention?

Child Psychology Advice Not rated yet
I have a friend that is having troubles with her 6 year old son, she is asking advice from me because I am in my first year of psychology, but I am reluctant …

Human Intelligence Not rated yet
Hi. When we talk about neural correlates of human intelligence we talk about the neural efficiency, synchronization and adaptability. I would just like …

Psychology of Facebook Not rated yet
In what ways is facebook changing the way teenagers behave and interact? Does anybody have any views on whether facebook is having a positive or negative …

Psychology Online Not rated yet
Where can I find actual info about psychology online without having to apply to a college? I just want general info so that I can write my essay, and so …

Degree in Psychology Not rated yet
I am trying to decide what major to study in school. And I would like to know what courses I would have to take to be a psychologist.

Psychology of Repeated Failure Not rated yet
Why do we look multiple times for an object in a place where we know the object is not? (An exercise in repeated futility).

School Phobia Not rated yet
school is about to start, and whenever I think about it, I feel sick, and I don't really want to go to school, but I know I have to. I've been wanted to …

Strange Behavior Not rated yet
My family is in the residential construction business. We have a new home on the market which had been broken into recently. While no damage was done, …

Choosing A Partner  Not rated yet
Have you ever wondered what triggers our choice when we choosing our partners? Our evolution or culture? What attracts us to specific person? Love? Money? …

Abandonment Issues Not rated yet
My daughter left my grandson's father almost a year ago. In that time he's come to see him twice and called maybe another 3 times. He is five years old …

Psychology In Society Not rated yet
How useful is psychology to society?

Old Memories Not rated yet
I was in love with a girl 40 years ago. I could not marry her because my parents did not approve. Even now her memory haunts me and I still love her. How …

Personality Disorder Not rated yet
What type of disorder does a person have when they start trying to become you? I have a person that is trying to slowly become me. It is like they are …

Kids Sports Not rated yet
I have a 17 year old and 15 year old daughter that I force to play sports in high school. contrary to what some people say "I'm living my fantasies through …

Remembering the Extraordinary Not rated yet
I'm conducting research for a short story for a school assignment. I wondered if there are any theories, or if anyone could make any suggestions, as to …

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Deceased Father Syndrome Not rated yet
Recently my wife has been talking to a psychic. The psychic claims to communicate with my wife's deceased father. My wife is desperate to believe her, …

Psychology of Pictures Not rated yet
I noticed throughout the course of last year that all my girlfriends had pictures of family and friends hanging on their dorm room walls. But I noticed …

Self Disclosure Not rated yet
Why would someone reveal negative intimate details of their life to someone that they just met?

Mental Health Not rated yet
How do you control and maintain a normal life without taking medications if you have been told you have bipolar type 2 split personalty, and ptsd?

Antisocial Personality Disorder Question Not rated yet
Do you think that it is possible for APD (sociopathy) to be a genetic X-linked trait?

Freeze Response Not rated yet
Whenever I get into a tough spot I freeze. Form actual fights to a fight in my dream, when I realize that there's going to be a fight, my heart starts …

Attitude Change Not rated yet
I am currently in a dilemma. I have an attitude problem. It's not a bad attitude outlook on life, but it is more how I respond to people or react to situations …

Repetitive Behavior Not rated yet
I run a company and I have an office staff of about seven people. One person in particular comes in my office and each time he starts to sit down, he has …

Child Behavior Change Not rated yet
My daughter is 6 years old studing in 1st std. Earlier she was very confident & of mixing nature. She was loving going to school when she was in junior …

Self Reflection Not rated yet
I would like to find out how my life experiences have affected me. I was raised by my single mother who has had 4 long term complicated relationship and …

Fear of Being Touched Not rated yet
I'm having a major problem with my relationship. Everything was fine until the physical stage, where I found that being touched anywhere remotely sexual …

Memories And The Subconscious Not rated yet
Hypothetical situation: A student is is asked to read and analyze a piece of literature for a class. However, there is a strong chance that the student …

Narcissism Not rated yet
I was reading a magazine at the doctor's office and was struck by an article featuring Paris Hilton. It had pictures of her home and I was appalled by …

Psychology of Emotion Not rated yet
Hi. Recently, I've been experiencing random and irrational hate directed towards a teacher of mine. She has not offended me in any way, but I am surprised …

Crowd Psychology Not rated yet
What theories can I support on my thesis about the effect of crowding on socio-interpersonal behavior?

Psychological Term Not rated yet
Can anyone tell me the Psychological term that is used to describe the feeling a person has when they feel the urge to rush because they just don't want …

Counseling Psychology Not rated yet
After a divorce (10-20 year marriage) how long should one wait before getting involved in another relationship?

Attention Seeking Not rated yet
What is the theory about people acting in a negative way to get attention when they don't receive positive attention?

Group Phobia Not rated yet
I become terribly susceptible when having to be in a group, mainly of close friends, or family, as if terrified of being slighted or relegated to a corner. …

Psychology Career Questions Not rated yet
I would be extremely grateful if anyone could take the time to answer some psychology career questions. 1)What college did you attend for both …

Courses in Psychology Not rated yet
Hi, I've done Diploma and BE in Computer Science. I want to study psychology. Can you please suggest any course in psychology that can be done using my …

Environment, Heredity or Maturation Not rated yet
Would the birth of a child be maturation or environment? What about the birth of a grandchild? is the death of a grandparent considered heredity or environmental? …

IQ & Noise Not rated yet
Does a persons IQ make them more or less suseptible to becoming distracted or agitated from noise such as dogs barking, machinery banging or being around …

Abnormal Behavior Not rated yet
Why does a 84 yr. old remove a special hyacinth plant treasured by his wife, (planted as a gift) and make it appear nothing had ever been planted there …

Kurt Lewin Question Not rated yet
What did Kurt Lewin mean when he said there is nothing so practical as a theory?

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Cybernetics Not rated yet
Does anybody know the basic points on the differences betwen first-order and second order cybernetics?

Getting Started in Psychology Not rated yet
Greetings! My name is Missie from Atlanta, GA and I've always been fascinated with how the mind works and now that I am 'reinventing' myself, I would love …

Positive Psychology Programs Not rated yet
I am a school teacher eager to study Positive Psychology. I've done some searches on the internet and at local universities here in North Texas. Is the …

Family Psychology Not rated yet
Hello. I have been married for 10 years. My mother-in-law didn't approve of her daughter's marriage to me and still doesn't. My wife and I have a great …

Imaginary Friend Not rated yet
My sister's friend may or may not have created an "imaginary friend' if you will. This girl she created had over 400 friends on Facebook, and hundreds …

Psychological Links to Vaccinations Not rated yet
Is there any known link between the increase of teen anxiety attacks in the 14 to 16 age group and the single commonality that at 13 yrs old they were …

Child Psychology Question Not rated yet
I have a 4 and 1/2 year-old boy who is fascinated with the macabre. I am hoping it is a theme phase like my older son's interest with superheroes, but …

Forensic Psychology Careers in Europe Not rated yet
I am highly interested in Forensic Psychology but before I set my goal on studying this I want to know about the careers for this type of work in Europe. …

Worried About My Daughter Not rated yet
My daughter used to be heavily involved with outside activities. However, since turning 18, I have noticed a change. Presently, she seems to not want to …

Weight Loss Hang-ups Not rated yet
I just survived a divorce which began when I was 3 months pregnant. Now, about a year and a half later, I find myself about 40 pounds too heavy with post-baby …

Erik Erikson Question Not rated yet
Why do you think Erik Erikson called for a psychosocial moratorium in adolescence?

Personality Type Not rated yet
Is there a term for a person who, no matter what the subject or circumstances, this person has "advice" to give you and argues with your own judgment and …

Which is Not A Behavior? Not rated yet
Earning $10 by doing a chore? or feeling nervous at a party? This question was on a psy test and most everyone missed it but the teacher says we were …

Hawthorne Effect? Not rated yet
We have a small team in a large department where I work, which ended up with a significant backlog of outstanding jobs. As managers, we focussed …

Worried About My Older Brother Not rated yet
I am 21 years old and I have a 23 year old brother. We both go to University and live at home with our mom. Our father died when I was 17 and he was 19 …

Psychology Science Not rated yet
Why is it important for a scientific psychologist to never claim that a theory is "proven?"

Mind Psychology Not rated yet
Do you think that there is something more to the "mind" than can be explained in terms of matter and physical phenomena - something more to the mind than …

Psychology of Noise Not rated yet
What would cause a person to feel the need to make noise all the time? I work with a man who hoots, howls, and yells pretty much everything that comes …

Transference Not rated yet
I've been in therapy for 1.5 years, everything was fine until transference emerged. I never had secure attachements with my own parents and my therapist …

Narcissism Not rated yet
What does it say about a man when he has many photos of himself in his home, home office and on his computer? There are a few of other relatives but 98 …

Aspergers Not rated yet
Hello. I am 17 and my mother has recently become adamant that I have Aspergers Syndrome. My Dad, on the other hand, is adamant that I don't have it. No …

Polygraph Experiment Not rated yet
Should skin temperature theoretically increase or decrease when responding to questions that contain emotional content?

Compulsive Behavior Question Not rated yet
What is it called when you repeat a word or phrase over and over in your mind and can't make it stop?

Body Language Question Not rated yet
I've noticed that when I talk to someone when I'm sitting down (it is a specific person, this doesn't happen with anyone else) I tend to sit with my knees …

Psychology of Friendship Not rated yet
To what do you atribute a person not wanting more than one friend? And that same person not wanting her friend to have any other friends? I am speaking …

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Psychology of Illness Not rated yet
Is there a psychological condition that accounts for a person who already has a medical condition deciding not be treated or deciding to not continue treatment; …

Model Eating Disorder Not rated yet
I'm currently writing a feature about models and eating habits. Would anybody be able to give me a brief opinion or statement on how the fashion industry …

Awareness of Self Not rated yet
What is awareness of self and environment?

Selfish Behavior Not rated yet
What's it about when someone hurts you and when you try to tell them they get angry with you or completely disregard what you say. Is that just pure selfishness …

Memory Question Not rated yet
What kind of memory is not governed by our hippocampus?

Psychology in the Workplace Not rated yet
My boss is extremely impatient and he is the worst communicator I have ever met. He gets frustrated when others do not fully understand something he is …

B.F. Skinner Theories Not rated yet
Did Skinner only use animals when testing out his theories? Also did Skinner have many people that disagreed with his theories?

Intelligent skepticism Not rated yet
How does intelligent skepticism develop, and how is it expressed?

Accident Prone Not rated yet
Anybody know where I can get information relating to the following question? In what ways has the construct accident proneness helped or hindered the …

Psychology Case Study Research  Not rated yet
What is an example of a question asked in a case study?

Phone Addiction Not rated yet
My fiances daughter is on the phone virtually every moment she can. From the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to bed. A few times when her friends …

Human Mind Psychology Not rated yet
I'm looking to go to college and working how the mind works and all that. I think it is very interesting but what do I start out with first?

Psychology Student Books Not rated yet
I have a keen interest in psychology. I'm preparing for engineering, but want to study psychology. Would you suggest some books so that I can start learning …

Behavioral Psychology Question Not rated yet
I am a bass player and the other day I was at my lesson when my teacher asked me to play some scales and when I played them she noticed that I didn't breath …

Research Methods Psychology Not rated yet
The word "control" is a key concept for psychological researchers. Discuss three factors that a researcher can control when designing a valid study and …

Psychology and Marketing Not rated yet
For marketing purposes I've been asked to find out the answer to the following question. How many times must one be exposed to advertisement before recognition …

Anger Problem Not rated yet
My girlfriend has a bad temper so I get her mad on purpose to help her control her anger. Am I doing wrong by doing this?

Lack of Emotion Not rated yet
If someone believes they are totally dead of emotions and feelings towards everyone on the inside and they won't see a counselor, what is to be done?

Child Psychology Career Not rated yet
What are 15 things I should think about to know if child psychology is the right field for me?

Dissociative Experience Not rated yet
What does it mean when a boy does not want to take his shirt off at the beach, or a pool, or in any situation where his chest is exposed? Being forced …

Experimental Design Not rated yet
Thirty-eight men and woman with morbid obesity who presented for vertical banded gastroplasty were compared to two age and sex matched community controls …

Reproduction Not rated yet
Lisa had sextuplets: 3 identical triplet girls, 2 identical twin boys and a son who barely resembles his siblings. What made this happen?

Psychology of Lunch Not rated yet
Most people eat lunch at 12PM. Why does this happen? What Psychological theory explains this occurance?

Gender Roles Not rated yet
How is one's sense of maleness or femaleness developed?

Task Psychology Not rated yet
Is there a specific term, or condition, for someone who always insists on doing any task the most difficult way possible, even when simpler, more efficient …

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Child Psychology Question Not rated yet
Why doesn't a school boy write the answers to the questions in exams even when he knows all the answers and has enough time to write them?

Blinking Behavior Question Not rated yet
Blinking of the eye when an object comes near to it is an example of what behavior?

Psychology Degree Question Not rated yet
If I was to get a degree in Psychology from a University in Europe would I be able to work in the US as well as Europe with that degree?

Confused on Graduate Specialization! Not rated yet
Okay, my question is rather long but I am stuck between a rock and a hard place in finding out what I want to study for a graduate degree. I have …

Hypnotic phenomenon Not rated yet
What is the proper name for this phenomenon and how common is it. I fear this question will be meaningless to anyone who had not experienced the phenomenon …

Psychology Goal Not rated yet
When a psychologist tells a client to use mental imagery in an attempt to help the person cope with a problem, she is attempting to reach which goal of …

Talking To Yourself Not rated yet
I`m 22 years old. I go to university. I want to know why I spend a lot of time imagining that I talking to somebody else, but in reality I`m talking with …

Naturalistic Observation Not rated yet
Where can I find information ond naturalistic observation including longitudinal and cross-section and case study?

Classical Conditioning Not rated yet
When a response has been conditioned to a specific stimulus, other similar stimuli will also elicit the response. What is this called?

Black Humor Not rated yet
Why does Shakespeare's form of writing appeal to so many people? What is it about black humor that encourages you to read forward?

Marriage Problems Not rated yet
I am a reasonably intelligent and educated person. I have many valuable traits. My husband is very intelligent and hard working as well. I suffer from …

Thinking and Intelligence Not rated yet
Do concepts change to reflect your experiences?

Predetermined Adult Character Traits by age 7 Not rated yet
My overinflated/egotistical boss said today that there have been millions of studies done that show most children by the age of 7 are already predetermined …

Developmental Psychology Question Not rated yet
What are four factors effecting the social and emotional well being of children? Is it factors such as attachment, stimulation and nurturing relationships? …

Visualization Exercises Not rated yet
I need to list and describe 5 visualization exercises. Anybody know where I can get some information on this?

Is This A Psychology Question Not rated yet
I can't watch anyone getting embarrassed or do something stupid. I close my eyes or turn off the TV. My mum dosen't mind when people make a fool of themselves …

Freud Theory Not rated yet
Any ideas on how I can evaluate Freud's view that the study of the unconscious leads to a better understanding of human behaviour?

Likability Not rated yet
How do we get someone to like us?

Frustration Anger Not rated yet
What are the effects that inadequate instructions have on level of frustration and anger?

Prescribed Drugs Not rated yet
Should presently available drugs, or future ones, be prescribed for people without psychological disorders to enhance or change their personality?

Confined Spaces Not rated yet
Why do I prefer to be in small confined spaces instead of large, open spaces? This has been my preference since I can remember.

Bipolar Not rated yet
I was diagnosed twenty years ago with bipolar and PTSD. I have been in therapy and on medication for thirty years. Recently, my psychologist informed me …

Psychologists Ethics Not rated yet
Psychologists follow a code of ethics that has been developed by the American Psychological Association. What happens when participants must be misled …

Psychology Test Question Not rated yet
I have a 10 question take home test. One of my questions is Discuss the biological functions of behavior as they relate to the neuron, conduction, synapse, …

Peer Pressure Not rated yet
Which college student is more likley to submit to peer pressure and why? The quiet student from the big city, or the outgoing football player from the …

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Contextual Influences Not rated yet
Which is more susceptible to cultural or contextual influence, sensation or perception? Why?

Intellectual Development Not rated yet
What is meant by intellectual development?

Child Behavior Problem Not rated yet
My son's school teachers have complained that my ten year old son is always talking in class and disturbing the other children. What can I do to deal with …

Criminal Psychologist Not rated yet
I am a sophomore, going to be a junior, and I'm intrested in being a criminal psychologist and I would like to know what courses I should take while …

Strange Situation Attachment Not rated yet
In the Strange Situation, what are the four types of insecure attachment categories?

Freud Theory Not rated yet
It has been said that Freud's model is strongest when it is describing abnormal behavior. What is meant by this?

BF Skinner Not rated yet
Thank you for making available the classic BF Skinner paper on superstitious pigeons. I recall seeing in the very early 70s film of the superstitious …

Sixth Sense Not rated yet
Could you tell me where I could find more information on a form of intelligence or sixth sense called altuirism? I am not sure about the spelling and …

Sibling Communication Not rated yet
My question is about sibling communication. We are seven children and all are now passed 60 years of age. I am the middle child age 65 years old. …

Winning An Argument Not rated yet
My wife is a psychology professor at the local university and it seems that every time we get into a discussion she starts to reverse everything on me …

First Born Children Not rated yet
Do first born children have more chance of success in life?

Insecure Attachment  Not rated yet
How safe is a diagnosis of insecure attachment without possession of the full history of the child i.e., no consultation with parents, siblings, or any …

Applying Classical Conditioning Not rated yet
For the following example, identify or suggest the US, UR, CS, CR, as well as the principles likely to be at work. While caring for a friend’s …

Psychology Certificate Course Not rated yet
My sister has passed 7th Std exam and then left the school after 7 years. She now realises that she must obtain a formal education and wants to do certificate …

Cognitive Disorder Not rated yet
Is there a cognitive disorder that is characterized by an inability to categorize? Ideally, I"m trying to find a disorder where someone is unable to categorize …

Psychology Counseling Not rated yet
My spouse and I are in therapy right now. I would like to ask if it means something if the counselor ask more questions to me than my partner.

Intelligent Skepticism Not rated yet
What is the meaning of Intelligent Skepticism?

Psychological Term Not rated yet
What is the psychological term called when a person is receiving negative attention and they make an accusation to someone else thus redirecting the focus …

Exam Stress Not rated yet
I am 20 years old. Before exams I face a peculiar kind of problem. As soon as I go to sleep, a fear appears in my mind that if cant sleep that night, how …

Personality Type of Mutterers Not rated yet
What type of person prefers to mutter a thought under his breath rather than say what's on his mind?

Substitute Mom Not rated yet
Is it normal for an adult, who had a rough childhood, to have an attachment to a "substitute mom" who is a peer? To long to be "mothered," even though …

Inferiority Complex Not rated yet
Why is it that whenever I meet or see anyone of the same gender, especially if they are of the same ethnicity, I always "size them up". I always want to …

Community Psychology Not rated yet
What is the school of thought of community psychology? And what is the difference between community psychology, social psychology, and social workers? …

Child Stealing Not rated yet
My godson steals and then lies about it, even if you saw him do it. It's hurtful because alot of times he will steal from someone who is already doing …

Psychopathology Not rated yet
What does "A semi turbulent adolecence...overt psychopathology" mean?

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Fight or Flight Not rated yet
Which component of the nervous system calms the body after the fight-or-flight response?

Clinical Term Used Not rated yet
What is the clinical term for a person whom constantly has to claim they are doing better in life than you are?

Empericism Not rated yet
What is empericism?

Psychology of Emotion Not rated yet
Why are women more emotional than men?

Psychology Statistics Question Not rated yet
In a large population what shape curve is expected to explain the distributions?

Psychology of Made Up Stories Not rated yet
There is this person I know that (literally) makes things up about people. She made up a story about someone and said that they tried to commit suicide …

Serial Positioning Effect Not rated yet
In the Glanzer & Cunitz 1966 experiment on the Serial Positioning Effect, what was the experimental design? I can't find anything on the method of the …

Stages of Life Not rated yet
What are the significant relationships in each of the first five stages of a person's life?

Mental Psychology  Not rated yet
Why do I always count everything I see? When I'm driving, talking to someone, watching tv, on the computer. I'm either counting or separating objects into …

Psychological Sleep Disorder Not rated yet
hello. I am a student in my 3rd year of a bachelor in Pharmacy degree and I have a female friend of mine (my class mate) aged around 20 who has a problem …

Psychological Condition Not rated yet
Is there a psychological condition which includes high sensitivity and a lack of empathy?

Psychology GCSE Not rated yet
I need to choose my GCSE's soon. What GCSE's would I need to become a child psychologist? Thanks

Psychology 101 Question Not rated yet
In an experiment to assess the effects of a new hay fever drug, two groups are used. One group is given the drug while the second group is given a pill …

Psychology and Biology Not rated yet
Hello. I'm currently majoring in psychology in Uruguay. I would like to know if it is really possible to combine both biology and psychology in one …

Sports Psychologist Salary Not rated yet
How much does a sports psychologist make on average?

Type of Psychologist Not rated yet
What type of psychologist helps prepare achievement tests and what type of psychologist administers these tests?

Psychology Research Methods Questions Not rated yet
What are good examples of a case study, survey, naturalistic study/observation, and correlation?

Psychology of Lying Not rated yet
When a person answers a question quickly does it mean the person is telling the truth or not?

Research Methods Question Not rated yet
What is the research term used in relation to an indepth examination of a single individual?

Type A personality Not rated yet
Hello, I am married to a man I think has a Type a personalty. His behavior mathces most all of the patterns but he has some that seem to be outside the …

Studying psychology in the USA Not rated yet
I am a prospective psychology student, and I would like to know typically how many years of studying psychology a person needs to be able to be effectively …

Psychology Questions Not rated yet
I need some great questions concerning psychology to get people thinking. We've learned about the Scientific Method, the Goals of psychology, Copernicus, …

Art and the Creative Unconscious Not rated yet
I was wondering if anyone might be able to comment on what seems to me to be a misprint in my copy of Erich Neumann's Art and the Creative Unconscious. …

How Do You Teach A Pigeon To Bowl?  Not rated yet
I know we will have to use operant conditioning principles here but I'm not sure about the details.

Human Psychology Question Not rated yet
Does knowing right from wrong mean that people will always act in accordance to their judgement?

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Psychotic Symptoms? Not rated yet
I'm pretty much convinced my dad had some kind of mental illness he had a major drinking problem for about 20 years and I alway's figured that was why …

Gender Dysphoria Not rated yet
I´m looking for information relating to the biological explanations for Gender Dysphoria. Any good resources out there?

Cognitive Psychology Question Not rated yet
I once was given a term that describes the type of person who cannot move to the next progressive step after completing a task...someone who must be lead …

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Not rated yet
I was wondering if anyone has done any studies or published any papers in regards to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Theory in it's current form, and how …

States of Rage from Sex Abuse Question Not rated yet
A 19 year old woman with a history of prolonged sexual abuse from a family member now has fits of rage which come over her when she feels someone has violated …

Cognitive Psychology Memory Question Not rated yet
Does anybody know where I can find information on the distinction between process and structure based approaches in memory?

Dreams and Articles Not rated yet
I love learning about dreams. I wanted to know if there is a website (besides this one) where I could learn cool facts about it. And I want to know a website …

Maternal Deprivation Not rated yet
Does anybody have any thoughts on the psychological effects of a mothers death on a young boy? More so, how it will influence his life and relationships …

Psychology Essay Not rated yet
Hi, I am currently taking part in a child psychology course. I am having trouble with an essay and wondered if anyone can help me please. How do I critically …

Learn psychology Not rated yet
Hi, my name is Lauren, and I am a high school student enrolled in a psychology class. I have found psychology to be really interesting, and I'm thinking …

Facial Expressions Not rated yet
How can you tell if someone is pleased with a conversation?

Psychological Disorder Question Not rated yet
What is the name of the disorder in which a person continues to ask question after question? (It's not OCD) Example: John Doe: Why did you buy …

Child Behavior Question Not rated yet
Why does my child urinate in bottles and leave them hidden for days at a time? Behavior first started after myself and his step mom split up. He is sixteen …

Psychology Certification Not rated yet
Do I need a Master's Degree to apply for psychology certification?

Eye Contact Not rated yet
I on occasion go to a social center for residents in my area. I have noticed one female member of staff there who although she seems friendly and chatty, …

Bad Luck Not rated yet
why do I have bad luck in my exams? I always know everything but I don't know why always bad happenings occures! Even for example if exam is computer based …

Sound Localization Not rated yet
Hi. Can anyone tell me the difference between timing and loudness differences and the duplex theory or is this the same thing? Also in terms of sound localisation, …

Psychological Term Not rated yet
What is the term for someone who says you have a behavior issue, when it is really them with that issue?

Psychology of Lying Not rated yet
Hi, I am looking to understand a person's lying habit. And any tips to deal with them in a way so as to correct them and set them on the path of truth. …

Music Psychology Not rated yet
I'm doing a high school project on music psychology and was wondering if there was anybody I could contact (professor etc)for an interveiw. Thank you for …

Classical and Operant Conditioning Not rated yet
Explain several similarities and differences between two types of conditioning. Give two examples of each pointing out what characteristics make the examples …

Learning Not rated yet
How do we learn?

Psychologist Client Not rated yet
When a psychologist forms a conclusion regarding a client's chance of recovery, it is an attempt to reach what goal of psychology?

Psychology of Collecting Not rated yet
although this can be very broad and to varying degrees, what is the general perception of someone who collects things or has a collection? If …

Research Psychologists Not rated yet
How do research psychologists come up with conclusions in their studies?

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Facial Processing Question Not rated yet
What is the "whole face advantage"?

Psychology Licensure Not rated yet
I go to a popular school that offers a masters program in psychology, but it isn't clincal, what do I have to do to make my masters degree work for me …

Physiological Arousal Not rated yet
What are the three emotions that involve similar physiological arousal?

Psychology of Compliance Not rated yet
The method for getting people to comply in which a small request is followed by a larger request is known as what kind of technique?

Extrasensory Perception Not rated yet
I've had a few times in my life when I knew what was going to be said and what was going to happen before it happened. How can this be? Why does this happen? …

Behavior Therapy Not rated yet
What is desensitization hierarchy?

Psychological Stress Not rated yet
What is the relationship between psychology and stress?

Stimulus Response Not rated yet
What is a simple unlearned response to a stimulus?

Mental Disorder? Not rated yet
My now 19 year old daughter, picked up and moved out of our home when she was 16. With the help of her father who she had not be in contact with for 13 …

Obedience Psychology Not rated yet
What type of personality is most likely to obey?

Psychological Definition Not rated yet
Is there a psychological term that defines a person who wants to or must be seen? This person, to a point, becomes overbearing and obnoxious in an effort …

Verbal Ability Not rated yet
When is verbal ability superior in females?

History of Psychology Not rated yet
What was the impact on the field and practice of psychology given its early development by a predominantly white male professional base to the exclusion …

Neuropsychology Receptor Sites Not rated yet
You could locate receptor sites involved in transmitting a nerve impulse by finding what?

Psychological Assessment Not rated yet
How do psychologists answer psychological questions?

Intuition Not rated yet
Do you think common sense and intuition are sufficient in understanding why people act the way they do? I am studying bs psychology.

Mulitiple Personality Disorder Not rated yet
A very bright adult talks in three different voices, and acts differently with all three. The child voice goes with child/baby/sweet behavior and the grown …

Psychology Stimulus Response Question Not rated yet
What is a new stimulus that was originally ineffective in eliciting a response but has become capable of doing so?

Psychology Multiple Choice Questions Not rated yet
1. The process of seeking out and interpreting siuations so as to attain a positive view of one's self is: (a) self-encouragement (b) Self-indulgence …

Introduction to Psychology  Not rated yet
How do psychologists reach conclusions in their studies?

Psychology of Play Not rated yet
My 3 year old granddaughter is a happy lively child, however I notice that while she is playing she consistently puts her toys and object she playes with …

Relevant Psychology Work Experience Not rated yet
I am a Psychology student and I am looking for relevant work experience that will benefit me during and after my degree. I am interested in the criminal …

Antisocial Personality Disorder Not rated yet
I'm the stepmom of a 16 yr old boy. I have known him since he was 10, but he has been out of state the last 2 years. When I first met him I thought he …

Konrad Lorenz Geese Experiment Not rated yet
Was the Konrad Lorenz geese experiment a case study for evolutionary theory?

Psychologists Conclusions Not rated yet
How do research psychologists come up with conclusions in their studies?

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Adolescent Psychology Not rated yet
What kinds of questions can you ask to determine if a teen is happy and mentally healthy?

Psychology Seeing and Hearing Question Not rated yet
What is the dimmest light the average person can see? The quietest sound they can hear? Explain why.

Name of Psychological Test? Not rated yet
What is the name of the psychology test where the interviewer asks the inteviewee to arrange 3 cards, each having a drawing of a kid in the process …

Traumatic Stimulus Not rated yet
What do you call an obsession of becoming something arising from a trauma suffered or witnessed, like the death of a family member? (e.g. a boy witnessed …

Sensation and Perception Psychology Not rated yet
1. ______ explains when we are likely to detect weak signals. A) Weber's Law B) Absolute Threshold C) Signal Detection Theory D) Difference Threshold …

Social Sciences Not rated yet
State two difficulties faced by the social sciences as they attempt to study a social issue.

Diabulimia Article Not rated yet
I have written a diabulimia (eating disorders with type 1 diabetes) article specifically tailored for clinical psychologists. Where is the pertinent …

Grieving Process Not rated yet
What does it mean when someone dreams about a dead loved one, that died over 7 years ago? What does it mean when you see the same person in a public crowd? …

Psychology And Humanity Not rated yet
What do you think are some of the contributions of psychology to humanity?

Introduction to Psychology Not rated yet
How did psychology come to existence? What do you think are some of the contributions of psychology to humanity?

Behaviorial Habit Not rated yet
What might be the reasoning for someone to always touch or move items? The touch could be as subtle as placing one finger on a box or it could be kicking …

Learning Theory Question Not rated yet
Your neighbor has taught three of her dogs to do tricks on command. She taught her mastiff, Fifi to jump through a hula-hoop by using a food reward whenever …

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Not rated yet
Stephen Covey's book "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" is arguably one of the most influential books on maximizing potential in the past 25 …

Self Identity Not rated yet
Is there a core to your self identity independent of how others define you?

Prejudice Not rated yet
What are three broad origins of prejudice?

What Branch of Psychology Not rated yet
If you wanted to be a psychologist that helps children and teens with issues such as domestic violence low self esteem abandonment and other similar issues …

Neuropsychology Question Not rated yet
What is the neurotransmitter that is involved in muscle contraction and Alzhiemer's disease called?

Science and Pseudoscience in Psychology Not rated yet
What does the existence of bias blind spot imply about relying on questionnaires to detect people's personality weaknesses, like self-centered or insensitivity …

Dream Psychology Not rated yet
I have recently had a very vivid, clear dream of a situation that happened to me in the mid 1980’s. Back then, I partied and drank too much. I had many …

Research Psychologists Not rated yet
How do research psychologists come up with conclusions in their studies?

Animal Experiments in Psychology Not rated yet
I have been asked to write an assessment on why animal experiments are much less common now than they used to be in psychology. I have just started a psychology …

Psychology of Social Networking Not rated yet
How are social networking sites viewed in psychology?

Delusions Not rated yet
Charles believed that a famous song by a popular musical group carried a special, secret message memnt only for him. This would be an example of a delusion …

Four Domains of an Individual Not rated yet
What are the 4 Domains of an individual? ( Hint C, A, P, S )

Psychology A LEVEL Not rated yet
Thinking of doing A Level Psychology so can anyone give me an insight into it?

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Behavioral Psychology Question Not rated yet
Why do I always choose the left of anything without thinking? I choose left turn, left payphone, left part of my wife's neck to kiss, etc.

Compulsive Buying Behavior Not rated yet
I buy clothes and accumulate them but wear clothes I have without using new clothes? What's my problem?

Psychology Project Not rated yet
I am doing a project on becoming and working as a psychologist and need information on the following: Duties, responsibilites and things involved in a …

Psychological Disorder Question Not rated yet
Lately I haven't been feeling myself. I haven't been able to sleep through the night and I have been having strange dreams which leave me restless. Also, …

Erotomania Not rated yet
I have been reading up on Erotomania, and all of the information I find fits me to the T. It frightens me, but at the same time, I want to solve it before …

Deviant Behavior Not rated yet
A woman stole money from the company she worked for. She was caught and punished. She stole money from the second company she worked for. The amount was …

Psychologist Consultation Question Not rated yet
Are all minutes spent with a psychologist considered on the clock. For example I have requested to cut back appointment frequency. The Psychologist will …

Psychological Conditioning Not rated yet
I hate noise. I am a musician and I spend most of my day surrounded by music or noise. I like to come home to quiet. The problem is, I have very noisy …

What is Student Counselling? Not rated yet
What is student counselling?

Psychology in California  Not rated yet
If I graduate as a Psychologist in Mexico, what do I need to do in order to work in California?

Psychological Perspective Not rated yet
Which perspective considers the relationship between individuals and their cognitive, personality, and social worlds?

Goal of Psychology  Not rated yet
Is the goal of Psychology to observe, correlate, and change behavior?

Psychological Field Question Not rated yet
What field of psychology contains social, cognitive, and abnormal psychology?

Studying Psychology in Different Countries Not rated yet
Hey there. Hoping someone out there can help me out. At the end of this year I will have a BA Degree in psychology from a South African university. But …

Writing as Therapy Not rated yet
I am currently writing an essay on how "House of the Spirits" and "Paula" helped Isabel Allende overcome two different traumas. The first one, "House of …

Behavioral Trends Not rated yet
What would be a contemporary behavioral trend most fitting to explain probabilistic reasoning and illusionary correliation?

Knowledge of Psychology  Not rated yet
How can your knowledge of psychology facilitate your success in a major field of study, promote your integration of knowledge across various domains of …

Psychological Studies Not rated yet
From what group are participants in psychological studies most often drawn-and why does it matter?

Research on Successful Marriages in Different Countries Not rated yet
I remember a short article published in a local news-paper concerning a research carried out in USA, in early 70's. The subject of the research was something …

Organizational Psychology Not rated yet
In organizational psychology, the "Big Five" refers to five general principles to be used when making changes. Is there anything missing from these five …

Inductive And Deductive Reasoning Not rated yet
Hi What type of Inductive or deductive reasoning is typically used in the Introduction and the Discussion section of a lab report. I can't seem to work …

Research Methods Not rated yet
What is data?

Freud And The "Self" Not rated yet
Hey All. I need to know in which books Freud talked directly about his view of the human self. Thank you in advance.

Research Methods Not rated yet
Define ANOVA

Discriminative Learning Not rated yet
What is discriminative learning?

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Psychological Definition Not rated yet
What is the term for a person that creates a problem and provides the solution, in order to appear smart or heroic?

Sigmund Freud Not rated yet
Why is Sigmund Freud so well known today?

Childhood Trauma, Violent Behavior Not rated yet
I saw this old movie called "The Hands of the Ripper". The basic plot of the movie was that there was this young woman (the main character of the movie) …

Behavioural Question Not rated yet
I have a friend who always refers to himself by name as if he were talking about someone else. e.g. He will say 'Mike did it'; but the problem is he is …

Catharsis Not rated yet
Catharsis, what does it exactly include? and how is it conducted? is it helpful? Thanks in advance.

Photo Phobia Not rated yet
I cant stand the fact that some where some time I'm going to have to have my picture taken. I hate the way I look and the way I feel during and after the …

The Law of Attraction Not rated yet
Hi, I'm a 38 year old female that is professionally successful and that has been consistently told that is physically and personally attractive throughout …

Positive Psychology Show Not rated yet
I'm working with Tal Ben Shahar, teaching positive psychology at Harvard and in Israel. We are looking to come up with an attractive format for a SHOW. …

Careers Options For Psychology Majors Not rated yet
Why do you think a person who majored in psychology may be employed in a variety of occupations?

Psychology Schools That offer A CAGS Program Not rated yet
I am currently enrolled in a 62-credit M.Ed. in Mental Health Counseling program that leads to licensure, but my school announced that they are phasing …

Coping With the Loss of a Loved One to Mesothelioma Not rated yet
Losing a loved one to cancer (or any other disease) is incredibly difficult for anyone. You occasionally wonder, “Why them? Why did this have to happen …

Social Butterflies Not rated yet
A couple of my friends love people; strangers, acquantancies, but I noticed when it comes to serious relationships they fail miserably. Are failed relationships …

Military Psychologist Not rated yet
Do all military psychologists require to have a Ph.D. in psychology or could they have just a Master's in psychology? What is the average pay for those …

Classical Conditioning Question Not rated yet
Classical conditioning involves learning: A. Associations to stimuli. B. Behaviors through observing others. C. Unconditioned responses. D. What …

Hallucinatory obliviousness Not rated yet
Most people are familiar with hallucinations in which people see or hear things that are not really there. But I was wonder if the reverse is possible. …

Role of The Prefrontal Cortex in Psychological Development Not rated yet
Hi, was wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction as I am not sure how to answer this question. Discuss the role of the prefrontal cortex …

Obsession or Just Experimental? Abnormal or Not? Not rated yet
For more than four years now, our 16-year-old daughter totally refuses to cut or trim down her fingernails. She is extremely focussed on her nails, avoiding …

Self Presentation Strategies Not rated yet
What self presentation strategy is the most fundamental and frequently used?

Educational Psychology Not rated yet
How would affective matching affect an LD childs ability to form a relationship?

Psychological Disorder? Not rated yet
What personality issue involves someone who refuses to allow his or her picture taken or refuses to be seen eating?

Psychology And Common Sense Not rated yet
What is the difference between psychology and common sense?

Freud's Stages of Development Not rated yet
Two year old Donald frequently refuses to obey his parents because he gets pleasure from demonstrating his independence. Freud would suggest that Donald …

Child With Imaginary Friend & Dyspraxia Not rated yet
My child is 16 years old with an intellectual impairment. She has characteristics of ASD but hasn't been tested. She has speech and language difficulties …

Organizational Psychology Question Not rated yet
What are critical behaviors?

Social Identity Theory Not rated yet
What is social identity theory?

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Memory Encoding Not rated yet
Do memory encoding processes fundamentally vary depending on the specific type of learning involved? For example, when a child learns the multiplication …

Psychological Character Not rated yet
Since the character of a person is formed by the age of 5 can the "character" be changed or only behavior?

The Neural Mechanism(s) of Inquiry/Questions Not rated yet
Is there any research being done into the the mental mechanism of formulating and processing a question? This is probably a fundamental mechanism involved …

Psychological Illness? Not rated yet
What is it called when a mother denies that there kid has a illness? Even after it has been proven. Thanks, Mike.

Obedience to Authority Not rated yet
Why is obedience so powerful even from the most minimal signs of authority (e.g. someone who wears any kind of a uniform)?

Intelligence and Creativity Not rated yet
Discuss the similarities and differences between current views on the nature and assessment of intelligence and creativity?

The Big Five Not rated yet
In organizational psychology, the "Big Five" refers to five general principles to be used when making changes. Is there anything missing from these five …

Temporary Insanity Not rated yet
Can someone have temporary insanity more than once in their life?

Child Development and Learning Not rated yet
I'm interning at HeadStart which is a preschool program for low income families. I'm helping the children recognize letters and numbers, but one child …

Psychology of Sensation and Perception Not rated yet
What is it called when you have stimulated sense receptor neural impulses that the brain interprets as a sensory experience?

My views on belief, religion and the psychology that drives it. Not rated yet
Hi! I have been reading and writing about the psychological basis of religious convictions for a over a year now, and the fascinating thing about this …

Behavior Question Not rated yet
A behavior that is obviously not learned is?

Experimental Psychologist Not rated yet
How much stress is assoiciated with the job? Is this a good job if you have a family?

Psychologists Question Not rated yet
What psychologists are finding new ways/methods of examining old questions?

Constructing A Textual Being Not rated yet
Define how psychologists construct a textual being

Becoming A Social Psychologist Not rated yet
How much much school is needed for this type of psychological career?

General Psychology Not rated yet
Do you think intuition and common sense are suficient for understanding why people act the way they do?

Depression and Parental Age Not rated yet
My dad and I both have been diagnosed with clinical depression and bipolar disorder. His parents were 26(mother) and 42(father) when he was born; mine …

Perception Question Not rated yet
How do we know that we are perceiving a world outside of our minds?

Psychology of Superheroes Not rated yet
Which if any superheroes have distinct personality disorders?

Amnesia and Personality Not rated yet
Can amnesia affect personality? If yes, how so?

Biological Psychology Not rated yet
What two major systems of the body coordinate and integrate behavior?

Psychology of Power Not rated yet
What is the psychological profile of individuals who are obsessed with attaining positions of power?

Memory Loss Not rated yet
If you lose your memory, does it effect your breathing, heartbeat, talking, walking, etc?

Job Opportunities for Psychology Majors Not rated yet
Why do you think a person who majored in psychology may be employed in a variety of occupations?

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Why is Psychology Important Not rated yet
Why is psychology important to our everday living?

Psychology and Philosophy Not rated yet
What is/are the distinction/s of psychology and philosophy?

Schools of Thought in Psychology Not rated yet
What are the main schools of thought within psychology? I already have the behaviourist, stuctualist and gestalt schools but I'm still looking for 12 schools. …

Psychology A Level Not rated yet
What educational requirements are needed to do psychology A-level?

Absence of A Mother During A Boys Childhood Not rated yet
I read an article a couple of weeks ago about the absence of the father in a girls childhood and how it affects her relationships in the future with men. …

Depression: A Psychological Approach Not rated yet
I would like to share my prolonged history of illness for the last 15 years. I was having some gastritis symptoms and was treated with antacids. I became …

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