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Memory Psychology

by Emily

How will a subject who realizes that a string of letters FBICIATWAATT isn’t random but is really the familiar acronyms: FBI, CIA, TWA, and ATT do on memory recall compared to a subject that does not see the pattern?

a) The same, because they both have the same number of letters to memorize and recall

b) Better, because the material goes straight to Long Term Memory without going first to Short Term Memory

c) Better, because the subject has reorganized the material into fewer pieces that have to go in Short Term Memory

d) Worse, because the subject has reorganized the material into fewer pieces that have to go in Short Term Memory

e) Worse because the material goes straight to Long Term Memory without going first to Short Term Memory

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by: Pat M

None. It's not such a big part or memory as it is though process. I didn't recognize it but I also do not know what TWA is and i believe that could be a factor.

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