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All About Psychology Guestbook

The All About Psychology Website Guestbook

Whether it's just to say hello, comment about a specific psychology topic area, suggest what else you think should be included on the site, or anything else related to the wonderful world of psychology, I would love to hear from you.

Simply send your message via the following form and I'll post it on this page as soon as possible. 

All the very best,

David Webb BSc (Hons), MSc

Please note that all fields followed by an asterisk must be filled in.

Guestbook Messages

Emma Murray

This is a very cool and informative site David. I'm a BSc Psychology graduate and really want to carry on into a career of cognitive psychology and your site solidifies that want for me because I enjoy what you've written.  

Carla Rosier

Great website. I always leave learning something new. 

Ted Johnstone   

Hello, it's good to be back on your site. I have a lot of reading to do!


Ran across your page on Instagram and followed your link here. I have to say, this site is very helpful, full of great, easy to understand and interesting information. So very glad to have come here! Thank you for putting so much of your heart and soul into this website. I will be here often!"

Matthew Parker   

Showing my AP Psychology students your site! Fantastic stuff - keep up the good work! Yours in psychology - M. Parker

Katie Arndt   

I just happened to come across the page while looking for Psychology movies. The world of Psychology makes me so happy and it fascinates me so much. I am working on a Psychology minor along with a music major, and I plan on moving forward with a Psychology degree of some sort as well. I'm so glad that I found this page!

David Miljkovic   

I've discovered your site by accident, and man am I happy that I did! I've only recently discovered that I would like to major in psychology one day. It's a really tough road, but I believe that if you want something bad enough, you'll find a way to achieve it. The site really opened some paths for me to study, and hopefully it will keep being helpful later on. Thank you so much for all the work you put into it.

Shannon Johnson   

Hello! I'm studying psychology, sociology and law. I was shown this website by a tech employee at Currys and I have to say, I love it! Thanks for being awesome! xxx

John Rimbere   

Hello. I am a counselling psychology student and I have gained immensely from the materials posted on your website. Kudos!

Michelle Glawson   

Very interesting. I am currently pursuing my Bachelor of Science General Psychology.

Patrick Kinas   

Thank you for creating this website, I appreciate the work put into this site. It really extended my knowledge and gave me the realization that Psychology really is what I'm passionate about. Love it!.

Patricia Murphy   

This seems like a wonderful site. I look forward to coming back and searching again.

Becky Reed   

Wonderful site. Great interconnectedness with your psychology student book. Thank you!

Jass Virl   

This is a very knowledgeable site.


Very interesting website. Thanks for sharing so much

Tara Fahnestock   

Great site I refer to it a lot as a psych student!

Felicia Thrasher   

Thanks for the great information!

Kim Jesse   

Interesting site. I could see your love of psychology was put into this site. Found your site by searching for a site to critique for a PsyD class that I am taking. I give you a thumbs up!

Carole Rochford   

What a great site. I'm very impressed and will be reading the Skinner kindle book Thank you.

Alina Brady   

Thank you for all the work behind creating this site, very useful and helpful!

Shannon Francis Chan   

Hi! I'm a Psych major at the University of the Philippines. I would just like to thank you for managing this very informative website. Psychology ROCKS!

Yonela Mtsi    

Your website is amazing, thank you.

Mervyn Edwards    

Your site is just jammed packed with wonderful information. I have learnt heaps, thank you so much.

Jessica Leslyn Oidi    

I enjoy this site. :)


Just happened across it as I was researching info for a Psych class I am taking. Keep up the good work!

Farah Aftab    

Great site! I love psychology.

Nanemu Evangelin    

I personally appreciate your passion to create awareness in psychology. I am very lucky to have come across your website. I have a feeling that I have hit upon a real treasure hunt of knowledge in psychology. Congratulations sir!

Mohammad Zia Nassery     

I am so interested in psychology, now I am so happy to find your website.

Belen Carrillo     

Love psychology.

Judy Smith

I really like this website. Not only is it very informative and easy to understand, its also super cool. And I must admit that I LOVED the Sex on the Brain page lol :)


As a therapy counselor, I find your site a handy source for information for ongoing research, training options, and related links.

Mudassar Farrukh

Hello, I really appreciate your effort to promote psychology. I am my self a psychologist and I'm always ready to do more for the awareness and betterment of this magical field of life. Thanks and regards.


So enjoy this informative and entertaining site. Thank you for sharing.

Shridhar Purohit

Website information is great.

Jinky Macabago

I'm just glad that a former classmate of mine shared this website with us...I'm so totally dumbfounded with the information that this website has in store for us...All the information that I need about psychology is already here...Thanks a lot to the founder of this website.

Madeline Discipulo

So glad I stumbled upon this site! Real helpful! :] Thanks a bunch, Mr. site founder & developer!

Silvia Fernandes

I have to say, your website is IMPRESSIVE! Keep up the good work!

January Balolong

I am glad I found this site and I will keep coming back :)

Maria Lourdes Baybay

I love the website! It is very comprehensive and inviting to undergraduate students.

Jane Alagar      

very informative.


I have always been interested in Psychology; I am so happy I found this site to give me more information.

Catherine Rauscher       

I've always had a fascination with psychology and am so thrilled to be able to learn psychology for free, Thanx so much.


What a great place! I'm loving the psychology lectures by Dr. Bloom, btw.


Excellent site, have bookmarked it and will be back for more for sure.

Prachi Abrol      

It's an amazing website :)

Dwight Ross      

Wonderful work you have here. I'm glad that more and more people are starting to make better use of the internet, especially through education. Keep it up!


This is really great! Once I get my next paycheck I'll be sure to get those classic psychology texts as well. :D


Very helpful website!

Huanhuan Wang      

Great website!


This will be my most visited website for the next sixty years...Hopefully more!

Bashir Idris      

I am very happy to discover this website.

Steve Abernathy PhD      

Nice site. I'm a psychologist and I like the page concept.

Swamy Gattupalle     

This website is very interesting and informative for people who want to know more about the subject. It helps you to explore one's thoughts. Thank you so much. With regards and best wishes.

Tina LaPorte     

I found your ebook Psychology Student Survival Guide and I'm very thankful I did. The book and this website is giving me the platform to get off to a great start. Can't wait to begin and have the support of all the resources and research results to assist me to the degree that puts the abbreviation behind my name I worked so hard to earn.


This site is definitely a wonderful resource.

Kislay Shah     

Thank you very much in deed for uploading such indispensable information on psychology.

Lucy Watson      

I love psychology and anything to do with the mind and peoples' behaviour in life, its fascinating :D

Sónia Bastos      

Maybe one day I can leave here my own contribution to the psychology world! Greetings for all!

Swathi Reddy     

This is my favourite web site.

Jenuel Paul Arceo     

Thank you for all the classic psychology publications.


Cool site will come back often.

Prof. Sue Martin (ECE Centennial College)     

Thanks for your perspective on psychology.

Esther Azeem    

I love this opportunity to know more about psychology. It's great and thanks to you for making it possible.

Susan Koruthu    

Very useful site. Thank you for creating it.

Todd Sasser   

Very well designed web site. I look forward to utilizing this site while obtaining my Bachelors and higher.

Geney Kam    

I would like to thank you for your efforts in designing such a web site which I found very useful. I hope one day to study Psychology, it's one of my favourite subjects, I read a lot about it.

Ranjeet Kapoor    

Lots of things to dive in here. A great resource of knowledge.

Jane Angran    

Great site, I love it!

Vishnu Murthy     

Thank you for uploading lots of information about psychology

Katherine Berglund     

Love your site!

Raiyan Sarwar     

This site is REALLY REALLY helpful! Thank you!

Elizabeth Barras     

I love this web-site and I hope to help others with their problems as much as this website helped me. Thank you! I am inspired :)

Hloniphile Msimango     

Hello Mr. Webb. This is a great website for students studying psychology, also for those wanting a career in psychology.

Udayan Banerjee      

Psychology is more than just 'a field of interest to me, its my tendency to read peoples' behavior. Thanks very much for providing this website for free :)


This website is not only helpful to students and scholars but to those who have interests in the fields of psychology. I am a psychology graduate from years ago and since then I have not worked in a related field, neither have I pursued graduate courses making it difficult for me to recall every course I had in college. This website will help me refresh my memory. Thank you for this.

Angel Preyer     

Extremely interesting!

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