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Psychology Questions

by Myriah
(Secondcreek, WV, USA)

Photo Credit: Marco Bellucci

Photo Credit: Marco Bellucci

Hi my name is Myriah and I'm a Highschool student in a Psychology class and our first assignment is to write 30 questions we would like to know about Psychology and its studies, well I can't quite seem to come up with very many and I need a little help

I'm studying Psychology as a major and i just dont seem to be very good at it, so I guess what I'm saying is is there anyone who can help me and my discomfort with this assignment?

Thanks ever so much,


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Do It Yourself
by: Sanya

The better way would be to think about the questions yourself, rather than googling it. Remember that we study each subject in school so that we learn something from it. The questions can be something like, why are humans scared of animals? or why people remember something that happened 4 years ago and forget what they ate yesterday. May be humans tend to remember unusual things. And women seem to remember dates, most men don't.

the wonder of a child
by: Anonymous

just look at the world and ask why. the way a child does. and sex questions count too. how the sexes act the way the do. think of all the CSI shows you watched and ask about abnormal psychology. or family dynamics, your parents are worth 10 questions alone. once you get started you will see there is no end.

me too.
by: Anonymous

I'm working on the same assignment.
Just try googleing things.

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