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Slip of The Tongue ?

by Billy
(Deleware, USA)

Photo Credit: Spongie

Photo Credit: Spongie

My parent continues to occasionally call my spouse (and me) by the wrong name, generally the name of another friend or relative. Same parent will sometimes call own children by the wrong name and substitute a parent’s sibling..
Example: Joey...I mean bobby..

My wife believes this is on purpose and is upset that I do not confront my parent on this issue. This has been going on for least 25 years and is not isolated to me or my wife, but other children and grandchildren. I contend that there is no malice and that it is not done on purpose and we should just ignore..(This has caused problems).

Now to add gas to the fire, my wife watches a show where Dr Phil tell audience that if your spouse is not loyal to you vs. their family (potential in-laws)..Then don't marry....this has caused such stress to my wife that she has said "if I listened to what Dr Phil says...I should divorce you She also believes that she, me and anyone the slip happens to is because they are really not liked by the parent.

Any thoughts?

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by: Anonymous

A slip of the tongue is all natural. Every human being is expected to do these kind of mistakes. my mom calls me by my brother's name, and she does it very often. she also calls my brother by my name.

According to Freud, our unconsciousness is responsible in doing these errors. lot of cognitive as well as the linguistic factors are involved. What someone should understand is this is a brain failure in executing the production of the thought. If a brain is healthy, mainly the parts responsible for language production, then the faulty execution of some words/phonemes/clusters...are due to something uncontrolled by the brain. It cannot be physiological since the phonetic mechanism of a human being is controlled by the brain, therefore there must be a hidden power in our brain that controls it.

Freud called it the him, the unconscious part of our brain. NOW what calls our unconsciousness to surface is tiredness, age, feelings, problems, instability, is a kind of inhibition that someone needs to extract by the help of unconsciousness.

Slip of Tongue
by: Anonymous

There is really nothing wrong with "Slip of tongue" actually. It happens to many of us; some may do it on purpose. Usually it is the last thing in your mind that was not broadcast prior to what you really got to say.

Word Substitution Mistakes
by: David

Hi Billy

Click Here to read a research article on the psychology of slips of the tongue.

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