Slip of The Tongue ?
by Billy
(Deleware, USA)
Photo Credit: Spongie
My parent continues to occasionally call my spouse (and me) by the wrong name, generally the name of another friend or relative. Same parent will sometimes call own children by the wrong name and substitute a parent’s sibling..
Example: Joey...I mean bobby..
My wife believes this is on purpose and is upset that I do not confront my parent on this issue. This has been going on for least 25 years and is not isolated to me or my wife, but other children and grandchildren. I contend that there is no malice and that it is not done on purpose and we should just ignore..(This has caused problems).
Now to add gas to the fire, my wife watches a show where Dr Phil tell audience that if your spouse is not loyal to you vs. their family (potential in-laws)..Then don't marry....this has caused such stress to my wife that she has said "if I listened to what Dr Phil says...I should divorce you She also believes that she, me and anyone the slip happens to is because they are really not liked by the parent.
Any thoughts?