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Controlling Behavior

by Lara

Photo Credit: Jen Collins

Photo Credit: Jen Collins

I am 17 and my boyfriend is 18. I know that he has a social anxiety disorder and ADD, but that he is on medication. He texts me frequently asking to know where I am, what I am doing, when I will be done, and who I am with. I feel as though he asking for an alibi!

When I tell him that I will do something (like do homework), but instead I opt for spending time with friends, he freaks out!!! We have been on and off for about 8 months now and I'm nearing the end of my rope. Also, if he asks me to text him when I'm done with something, and I don't because I rarely have time to text, he gets very upset. (NOTE: He's not violent AT ALL. He can actually be very sweet).

We have discussed this issue (of being understanding how I'm busy and sometimes I don't have time to text him when he asks me to), but this is about the second or third cycle of the sweet-anxious/clingy/controlling cycle. What can I do to talk to him about this, but not hurt his feelings (because he's sensitive)?

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try this..
by: joe melo

You need to really sit and make sure that he understands that if he doesn't get where your coming from that it will be the end of the relationship ...Start with telling him how much you care about him ..and what he means to you, but you're not happy with him because of his ways.

distrusting boy
by: Anonymous

I can only speak as if I were in a similiar situation. If I were you I would tell him that his distrust is really stressing you out and if he does not start making attempts to change his attitude then there is a good chance he is going to lose you for good.

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