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Counseling Psychology College

by Callie H

I'm in high school and am exploring my options for my future education. I would like to become a Counseling psychologist. I would like my PhD in Counseling Psychology (5 years: classes for 4 and internship for the 5th). Then following that I would like to get my licensing so about two years of supervised experience.

I was trying to find a college that provides Counseling Psychology as a major and I was wondering if there was a difference between the general Psychology major and the Counseling and if so what classes would I take in order to get my degree in Counseling Psychology.

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Counseling psychology College Questions
by: Anonymous

People interested in counseling should have a strong desire to help others and should be able to inspire respect, trust, and confidence.

Education and training requirements vary by State and specialty, but a master?s degree is required to become a licensed counselor.

Projected job growth varies by specialty, but job opportunities should be favorable as job openings are expected to exceed the number of graduates from counseling programs. Commence in a bachelors in psychology.

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