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What Psychological Disorder is This?

by Anonymous

Photo Credit: Marco Bellucci

Photo Credit: Marco Bellucci

I am 16 years old and being treated for depression and anxiety disorders. I have social skills problems but it is not Aspergers. It looks similar to that though because I am rude when I don't mean to be. Basically all the problems stem from lack of impulse control and especially lack of being able to see my self and have self awareness.

I don't know what my tone or volume of my voice is or what is rude unless its too late but if I saw someone else behaving this way I would be able to recognize it easily as unacceptable.

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by: Anonymous

Um, well I don't want to make light of this, but many teenagers have the problems that you describe. We live in a very stressful society, which I feel makes it even harder to develop the character and values that we all need.

The fact that you recognize what you are doing is very positive. Have you tried 'watching' yourself before you follow through on behavior and speaking. Tell yourself what you need to do before you do it. It takes some practice to get it down. It is something that worked well for me when I was in your stage of life. I also tended to be impulsive and inattentive.

You deserve a high five, cudos , and congratulations on being able to see what you are doing. That is the first step toward making changes.

Good luck to you.

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