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Psychology Career

by Todd

Photo Credit: William  Hartz

Photo Credit: William Hartz

I am in the IT field and have been so for approximately 16 years. I feel like I have reached the peak of my career in IT, and I am looking at making a potential career change.

I do listen and talk with people very well, and I have been told by several people that I deal with on a daily basis told me that I have missed my calling.

So, I am looking at becoming a psychologist. The only problem is, I am 37. Am I way too late to make such a transition? If not, then what would be the best way to make the transition?

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by: Frieda

Hi Todd,

I'm 38 and have been in journalism for 10 years. I think I'm like you - good at listening to and helping my friends with their problems. I have been reading many self improvement books and sharing some of the good principles with my friends and family to tackle life's'/job's challenges.

I have also found that I'm also good at helping people with my back bone and hands. So, social work could be my calling too, besides psychology/counselling.

I also feel good/rejuvenated/happy when I imagine myself helping organisations improve themselves. Hmmm, perhaps organisational psychology is it.

I'm still researching and searching. But whether it is counselling psychology or organisational psychology or social work, studying for a bachelor's, and perhaps, a master's later on, is the first step.

I've made research on universities in Malaysia where I live and found a good distance learning programme for working adults, with choices either to attend weekend classes and/or online classes. Isn't it a blessing?

I hope you'll do more research and search.

As for me, I've identified Helping People as a very important principle that I want to inculcate in my life - to benefit friends, family and society. So taking time time to study again seems to take a little bit of time from F&F, but not really. I want to be better able to serve them. Hopefully, I'll be able to draw strength to study from this new purpose that I've found (to help & to serve).

I hope you'll find your purpose (maybe you have!) and your potential study in psychology contributes to that.

Hope this helps.


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