by Anonymous
Hi there, can anyone please explain to me why my brother inlaw acts the way does. Let me explain; simply put he is 23 yrs of age and doesn’t like his family or anybody to be a part of his life.
Every night to exert his independence he refuses to eat anything his mum makes and he deliberately buys take-out every single night. Now when my wife (his sister) and I come to stay, in particular with me, he all of a sudden eats everything in the fridge that his mum cooks for us (which is plain meat and salad, as I have a health condition, and she cooks that every night for herself because of the same reason) and leaves nothing for us.
This happens more so with me than my wife (but she noticed it also and mentioned it to me). For example last week I had stay with my in-laws for one night, I had to sit my exam in their home town, which is 2 hours from where my wife and live. Well his mum had made dinner and enough for me. I get back to their place for dinner later that night and find nothing, which I thought was a bit weird. My in-laws shortly returned and said did you get your dinner, I said no. Long story short the brother in-law ate it, yet every night has refuses anything food and then the one night I am there he literally ate everything in the fridge and pantry.
So what I want to know is there a name or condition that can explain this very weird behaviour. I don’t think it is deliberate but would just like to know any ideas on what you might think it could be and is there something we could do to help with it? Thank heaps
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