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Father and Daughter Feud

by Avi

Photo Credit: ErynCerise

Photo Credit: ErynCerise

Hi I have a problem with my daughter, and I would like to get advice on how to handle it, she would not speak with me and doesn`t answer my calls this has being going on for almost 8 months.

The last time we were together was her 26th birthday, I live in Florida and she is in New York city. I went over there for her birthday and stayed in her apartment with her boyfriend for 3 nights and the last night was her birthday party.

After the party when we got back to the apartment, she snapt at me very rudely and said "when are you going to leave this house", I was so stumbled by her approach to the point that I didn`t sleep all night waiting for the morning, and left for the airport without saying goodbye( she was still a sleep with her boyfriend ).

Since then I have made numerous attempts to contact her with emails and phone calls with no luck, she is not responding.

What else can I do?

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by: Anonymous

Write her a letter and explain everything that you just explained here. Mail it to her and see if she responds. Then you will get your point across and give her time to think about what she was so mad about in the first place before responding to you.

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