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Psychology Careers

by Elizebath
(Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)

Photo Credit: Cyndy

Photo Credit: Cyndy

I would like to know what kind of job a fresh psychology graduate like me be would be able to do before I move on to do my Masters in Occupation Psychology. I have no previous work experience in this field.

Hence, I am really in a fix right as I have just done a B.Sc (hons) Psychology and I am not specialised in any particular area.

Many Thanks In Advance.

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Psychology Careers Book
by: David

Hi Elizebath

You might want to get hold of the book

What To Do With Your Psychology Degree by Matthew McDonald & Susmita Das

Book Description

The aim of What To Do With Your Psychology Degree is to assist students and graduates of psychology to help readers identify the wide range of career choices for psychology graduates, particularly for the 80% who do not obtain postgraduate qualifications.

the authors outline 60 career profiles that are directly and indirectly related to the discipline of psychology. For each occupation the book outlines: the main tasks and challenges involved; personality attributes that are suited to the job; skills needed; further training and qualifications that may be required; voluntary work placement, part-time, and casual job opportunities; links to websites with further information including current vacancies.

For any psychology graduate, this book is the most practical resource available on career choices; whether you are embarking on your first job or looking for a change of career, this book is essential reading.

See following link for more details:

What to do with your psychology degree (Open Up Study Skills)

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