Girlfriend Calls Me her Ex'es Name Accidentally. What's The Psych Deal?
Photo Credit: Episode9
My girlfriend comes back to the table from a restroom break, and accidentally calls me by her ex'es name. She denies any existence of communication or contact (physical, email, ym, etc..) with her ex and strongly claims that she didnt know how her ex'es name suddenly came out of nowhere. they broke up 1 1/2years ago and has never gotten in contact with each other for the longest time, as she further claimed.
Is there any psychologically-backed explanation that proves that she's credible in saying that the name just popped out without any influence of a recent encounter/contact with her ex'es? Or should I simply lower my trust level as far as her honesty and loyalty are concerned?
I am looking forward to anyone who can shun light on this issue as this has admittedly been bothering me for quite some time now. Thank you so much in advance for your incites. More power to your website.