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Abandonment Issue

by Anonymous

Photo Credit:  Ségozyme

Photo Credit: Ségozyme

If a child (now an adult) is going to visit the absent father specifically for the purpose of discussing how she felt abandoned by him, should the child go alone, or should the father come to the child and the mother (who she's lived with all of her life)?

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we have to consider possibilites...
by: Anonymous

i would want to know more about the childs age and his self-esteem- how confident he is and how much anger she has if she still has it.

if she feels strong enough i would recommend her going to her father alone ( this would give her the feeling she can now cope with the situation as an adult and maybe feel more comfortable to let it all out...)

on the other hand i feel the father's coming to her would maybe make it easier for her to forgive him... if she want to forgive him.

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