Socially Awkward
by David
Photo Credit: Ricardo Motti
I'm a 24 year old male, always stressed out about something, be it school, money or relationships, but I have issues with remembering...mainly the sequence of events. I am socially awkward (EXTREMELY), shy.
I get very nervous when I speak to people I don't know, I hate being in large crowds (6 or more), I find myself stuttering like a fool, my palms sweet, and I can't hold a conversation for the life of me, when I try to explain myself, it just doesn't come out correctly. It's like I'm speaking the way a person who has ADHD writes.
I feel as if someone is standing on top of my chest and can't breath. Sometimes I experience a numbness sensation in my head (like when your foot falls asleep) but only lasts for few minutes. Please Help.
Related Information on The All About Psychology Website
Anxiety Disorders
Social Phobia