(Photo Credit: Oliver Hartmann)
A great way to learn more about the fascinating world of human behavior and the workings of the human mind is to listen to quality psychology podcasts and radio shows. Featured below is a collection of the very best psychology related podcasts and audio broadcasts out there.
The Reading Instruction Show is an outstanding podcast about reading instruction (and other things) with a little bit of attitude. Highly recommended for teachers, educators and anybody with an interest in educational psychology.
Podcast host Andrew P. Johnson is Professor of Literacy and Distinguished Faculty Scholar at Minnesota State University, Mankato. He has written 15 books, including, The Human Dimension in Education: Essential Learning Theories and Their Impact on Teaching and Learning (Rowman and Littlefield, 2022) Designing Meaning-Based Interventions for Struggling Readers (Guildford Press, 2021) and Essential Learning Theories: Applications To Authentic Teaching Situations (Rowman and Littlefield, 2019). Dr. Johnson has also published over 50 book chapters and articles related to literacy, learning, and the human condition. You can learn more about the work of Dr. Johnson by visiting his website www.teaching-reading.com and YouTube channel youtube.com/c/DrAndyJohnson. You can also connect with Dr. Johnson online via LinkedIn.
Click Here To Listen To The The Reading Instruction Show Podcast
Excellent psychology podcast hosted by Daniel Karim, who interviews extraordinary people who have an inspiring story to share. Listen and learn as Daniel explores what it takes to evolve as a person by asking his expert guests about their favorite books, morning routines, exercise habits, trade secrets, biohacks, and their ideas of happiness and success. You can listen to The Psychology Podcast by Daniel Karim via the following link.
If you’re looking for some straight-up, positive advice on topics that affect your daily life, then check out The Sue Atkins Parenting Show. Each week, internationally recognized parenting expert Sue Atkins and her guests bare all and discuss every nitty gritty aspect of your parenting challenges, from weaning to whining, boundaries round technology to stroppy teens. You’ll get practical tips, techniques and advice that really work - and it’s all totally free. You can listen to The Sue Atkins Parenting Show podcast via the following link.
The Sue Atkins Parenting Show Podcast
A place to find ideas, inspiration and practical tools to help make the messy business of being human just a little bit easier. Each week, host Katie Elliott interviews a different guest and invites them to suggest a 'Little Challenge' that listeners can try for themselves. You can listen to the Adventures in Behaviour Change podcast via the following link.
Adventures in Behaviour Change Podcast
The Inner Human podcast is devoted to providing interesting and novel insights into the field of psychology within a multitude of capacities. presented by psychologist Eric Roberts and co host Ty Vuong, the goal of The Inner Human podcast is to offer useful information that can be applied to everyday lives but which is supported by rigorous research and expert opinions. You can listen to the The Inner Human podcast via the following link.
Excellent podcast by author, speaker, and professor of counseling psychology at Santa Clara University David Feldman, Ph.D. who invites you to find out something new about psychology while you sip your morning coffee!
CLICK HERE To Listen To The Psychology in 10 Minutes Podcast
Many thanks to Dr. Raj Persaud for letting me know about the podcasts produced on behalf of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in the UK. Featuring the work and thoughts of leading academic psychiatrists and psychologists, these excellent podcasts showcase the latest breakthroughs, research and discoveries in neurosciences, psychiatry and psychology.
CLICK HERE To Access The Royal College of Psychiatrists Podcasts.
Also, make sure you check out the 'Raj Persaud In Conversation' podcasts which you can listen to via a free app on both iTunes and Google Play.
N.B. Dr. Raj Persaud and Peter Bruggen, M.D., host a fascinating blog on Psychology Today, which you can read by clicking HERE.
In conversations hosted by producer Rebecca McInroy, two renowned psychologists, Dr. Art Markman and Dr. Bob Duke explore fascinating aspects of human behavior from the effects of sugar on the brain, to what's happening in our minds while we sleep, and more.
CLICK HERE To Listen To The Two Guys on Your Head Podcast
Excellent podcast from the British Psychological Society’s Research Digest. Presented by Dr. Christian Jarrett each episode explores whether findings from psychological science can make a difference in real life.
CLICK HERE To Listen To The PsychCrunch Podcast
The Hidden Brain podcast 'reveals the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, the biases that shape our choices, and the triggers that direct the course of our relationships.' Hosted by renowned science correspondent Shankar Vedantam, 'the goal of Hidden Brain isn't merely to entertain, but to give you insights to apply at work, at home and throughout your life.'
CLICK HERE To Listen To The Hidden Brain Podcast.
Presented by award-winning broadcaster, writer and psychology lecturer Claudia Hammond, All in The Mind explores the limits and potential of the mind, revealing the latest research and bringing together experts and commentators from the worlds of psychiatry, psychology and mental health.
CLICK HERE To The Listen To The All in The Mind Podcast
"Invisibilia explores the intangible forces that shape human behavior – things like ideas, beliefs, assumptions and emotions. Co-hosted by NPR's Lulu Miller and Alix Spiegel, Invisibilia delves into a wide array of human behavior, interweaving narrative storytelling with fascinating new psychological and brain science. Listen and research will come to life in a way that will make you see your own life differently. Invisibilia turns the dry and scholarly into utterly captivating storytelling."
CLICK HERE To Listen To The Invisibilia Podcast
Hosted by psychologist Michael Britt, The Psych Files addresses a wide range of psychological issues in a fresh, engaging and highly accessible manner. The Psych Files is aimed at anyone curious about human behavior, though students taking a course in psychology, those majoring in psychology, and instructors of psychology will find the podcast particularly of interest.
CLICK HERE To Listen To The Psych Files Podcast
Hosted by David Van Nuys, Ph.D. Emeritus Professor of Psychology at Sonoma State University, complete with the wonderful tagline "All the psychology you need to know and just enough to make you dangerous;" "Dr Dave" as he is commonly known describes his collection of psychology podcasts as follows: In the U.S., psychology has long been the most popular undergraduate major in college. Various therapists on TV and Radio have enjoyed huge popularity, as well. And, there is seemingly no end to to the stream of self-help books that come out every year. As a long time psychologist, professor, therapist and workshop-leader, I bring you more-or-less weekly interviews with fascinating practitioners who work in and around the broad field of psychology.
Click Here To Listen To Shrink Rap Radio Podcast
Broadcast on Resonance FM, London's leading community radio station, Group Therapy is a panel discussion show that explores the many facets of the human condition. Each week, a 'confession' is posed to a panel of three commentators (a psychologist, academic and comedian) who come together to explain the universal themes and theories around the problem, offering insights and opinions along the way. Listeners can expect controversy, combat, sincerity and hilarity. Most of all, expect fascinating, enlightening and academic conversation around what it means to be human.
Click Here To Listen To The Group Therapy Show
(Many thanks to Sophie Lording for letting me know about this fresh and innovative radio series.)
Produced by ABC radio in Australia and presented by Lynne Malcolm, All in the Mind is about the brain and behaviour, and the fascinating connections between them. "From dreaming to depression, addiction to artificial intelligence, consciousness to coma, psychoanalysis to psychopathy, free will to forgetting – All in the Mind explores the human condition through the mind's eye."
CLICK HERE To Listen To The All in The Mind Podcast
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