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Carl Jung

Photo of Carl Jung

(July 26, 1875 - June 6, 1961)

Welcome to the Carl Jung section the All About Psychology website. From here you will be able to access detailed information and resources relating to one of the most influential and enigmatic thinkers of the 20th century. Increasingly disaffected with the central ideas of his old friend and mentor Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung broke away to establish analytical psychology; a school of inquiry designed to explore the deepest recesses of the human mind.

Jung's revolutionary psychoanalytical approach had a profound impact across a range of diverse fields including, psychology, philosophy, mythology, anthropology, theology and the arts and many of his most influential psychological concepts; archetypes, persona, collective unconsciousness, synchronicity, introvert/extrovert personality types etc, continue to be taught and studied throughout the world today.

Biographical Landmarks

July 17, 1902

Carl Jung's M.D. degree was conferred by the University of Zurich. Jung's degree dissertation topic was the psychology and pathology of occult phenomena based upon his cousin's alleged mediumistic abilities.

On The Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena by Carl Jung

In 1916 Jung published an article on the topic in the book 'Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology,' which you can read in full for free via the following link.

On The Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena

March 3, 1907

Carl Jung meets Sigmund Freud for the first time and they talk for 13 hours without interruption. The meeting took place at Freud's apartment (Berggasse 19), located in the Alsergrund district of Vienna.

Trailer from the film 'A Dangerous Method' based on the intense relationship between Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud.

December 5, 1913

Volume 1 of The Psychoanalytic Review was published. Edited by William A. White and Smith Ely Jelliffe it was the first English-language journal dedicated to psychoanalysis. The very first article to appear in the journal, titled: The Theory of Psychoanalysis, was written by Carl Jung.

February 14, 1955

Carl Jung appeared on the front cover of Time magazine and is the subject of an article in the medicine section titled 'The Old Wise Man,' which noted that at the age of 79 Jung was still "tirelessly adventuring through the vast reaches of the psyche."

It was also on the 14th February that Carl Jung married Emma Rauschenbach in 1903. 

Carl Jung and his wife Emma Jung

Get To Know Jung

See following links for an excellent two part editorial on Carl Jung by Mark Vernon for the Guardian newspaper.

Part 1: Taking Inner Life Seriously

Part 2: A Troubled Relationship With Freud – And The Nazis

Classic BBC interview with Carl Jung in 1959 

The Association Method

The Association Method

Originally published in the Collected Papers on Analytical Psychology in 1916, The Association Method was the first of three lectures Carl Jung delivered at Clark University in September, 1909. You can read the article version of The Association Method in full for free via the following link.

The Association Method

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Shadow Self T-Shirt

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