Welcome to the virtual barber shop page here on the All About Psychology website. If you've already come across this online e.g. YouTube, you'll know what to expect and appreciate just how cool it is.
If you haven't experienced the virtual-barber-shop, you'll love it, but before you let Luigi loose on your hair, a word or two to explain what it's all about.
This excellent audio clip produced by QSound Labs is an example of a binaural recording. Binaural means to hear with 2 ears and as such a binaural recording allows you to listen to sound the way your brain processes the acoustic information it receives.
Well, according to Aaron over at the Binaural Airwaves Blog, "...it is the most perceptually realistic recording technique in the world for humans. By capturing sound the way we hear as humans, our brains can most easily understand the subtle complexity of the sound and make sense of it."
1. It's essential you listen through headphones.
2. Turn the volume up.
3. Close your eyes while you listen.
4. Eliminate all other sound (kids, pets, TV etc).
You can listen to the virtual barber shop via the Youtube video below but for maximum effect I'd recommend downloading the virtual barber audio file.
CLICK HERE to visit the Binaural Airwaves Blog.
David Webb is the owner, writer and host of three websites built around his teaching and research interests; including All-About-Psychology.Com which receives over two million visits a year.
A passionate promoter of psychology through social media, over 890,000 people follow his psychology Facebook page and he is featured on the British Psychological Society list of the 100 most followed psychologists and neuroscientists on Twitter.
A bestselling author, his published work includes: The Psychology Student Guide - The Incredibly Interesting Psychology Book and, On This Day in Psychology.
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Mar 13, 25 10:56 AM
Mar 13, 25 09:31 AM
Mar 13, 25 09:31 AM
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