Safe and Sound: A story about a little girl who overcomes fear

Paul North & Lydia So

Safe and Sound: A story about a little girl who overcomes fear

A Scientifically Based Story To Help Children Facing Emotional Challenges

Safe and Sound: A story about a little girl who overcomes fear, is a delightful story of a young girl who, with the help of her parents, clinicians and pet cat, learns to overcome fear and embrace life. Based on the acclaimed scientific work of Dr Stephen Porges, (arguably the world's leading neuroscientist), this book provides a model by which parents and teachers can help children navigate the challenges of life, in a helpful, scientifically valid and trauma informed way

Stephen W. Porges, PhD

Distinguished University Scientist

In Safe and Sound Paul North and Dr. Lydia So bring the essence of Polyvagal Theory to young children in an intuitive and engaging graphic presentation. Polyvagal Theory is about feelings and how we, as responsible parents, teachers, and clinicians, need to be accessible to our children, to witness their feelings, and to reassure them that they are safe by being with us. This brief book illustrates the important functions in optimizing development by acknowledging our bodily feelings and respecting our need to connect with others including our pets, as critical resources that enable us to shift from negative feelings to feelings of safety, trust, and love. The narrative illustrates how therapeutic strategies that are ‘Polyvagal Informed’ such as the Safe and Sound Protocol ™ functionally incorporate these understandings. When these strategies are administered by insightful and compassionate therapists, such as the authors of this book, they may efficiently and seamlessly trigger feelings of safety in the child and promote, through sensitive and appropriate therapeutic guidance, a normalization of behavior.

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Paul North is an Australian psychologist with over 30 years experience in the field of developmental disabilities and trauma therapy, assisting both children and adults. He has worked at the most senior levels of Government in both New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory as both a clinician and consultant.

Dr Lydia So is a New Zealand born Developmental Paediatrician, now working in Australia as a Staff Specialist based in a suburban Sydney hospital. She also has a private practice in Canberra where she assists children with a range of developmental disabilities, including Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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