The All About Psychology Newsletter
(Photo Credit: Daniel Go - via flickr Creative Commons)
A psychology newsletter designed to be useful and engaging whatever your connection with the topic - student, educator, professional or general interest.
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Psychology Book of The Month
Psychology on Facebook
Psychology Quote of The Month
Psychology Humor
Psychology Article of The Month
Psychology on Kindle
And FinallyI've just updated the expert research section of the All About Psychology website where you access over 30 peer-reviewed full-text articles from authors who have very kindly given permission for direct links to their work to be included in the hope that they will spark interest in the topics, issues and research areas covered. See following link.
Book Description
Some things are funny - jokes, puns, sitcoms, Charlie Chaplin - but why? Why does humor exist in the first place? Why do we spend so much of our time passing on amusing anecdotes, making wisecracks, watching The Simpsons?
In Inside Jokes, Matthew Hurley, Daniel Dennett, and Reginald Adams offer an evolutionary and cognitive perspective. Humor, they propose, evolved out of a computational problem that arose when our long-ago ancestors were furnished with open-ended thinking. Mother Nature - aka natural selection - cannot just order the brain to find and fix all our time-pressured misleaps and near-misses. She has to bribe the brain with pleasure. So we find them funny. This wired-in source of pleasure has been tickled relentlessly by humorists over the centuries, and we have become addicted to the endogenous mind candy that is humor.
For details of this publication and all the psychology book of the month entries - see following link.
Over 99,000 people are now following the All About Psychology facebook page. Among The most popular posts since the launch of the page was:
Can A Test Really Tell Who's A Psychopath?
Thought provoking news story by Alix Spiegel for National Public Radio which you can listen to or read via the following link.
Can A Test Really Tell Who's A Psychopath?
Thinking About Becoming A Psychology Student?
Online Psychology Degrees (USA)
Psychology Degrees (UK)
This picture quote is just one of the many images which forms part of the psychology on pinterest collection. See following link for full details.
Just for fun to remind us that there is funny Ha Ha as well as funny peculiar.
Conspiracy Keanu Meme - The Psychology Version!
(Photo Credit: Leland Francisco Via Flickr Creative Commons)
See following link to read a comprehensive full-text, open-access journal article by Peter DeScioli & Robert Kurzban which explores the cognitive systems underlying human friendship.
The initiative to make historically important psychology publications widely available on Kindle is going from strength to strength. Recent additions to the collection include:
Essential reading for anybody currently pursuing, or hoping to pursue an academic interest in behavioral science, this is also a must read for anybody who would like to learn more about the darkest recesses of the criminal mind.
This book traces the origins and development of behavioral science within the FBI which has kept the iconic U.S government department at the forefront of research into serial killers and the criminal mind for over 40 years.
The kindle version of Inside The Criminal Mind: Behavioral Science Insights From The FBI is available via the following link.
If you have any problems with this link, just go the Amazon website in your country and type the book title into the search box.
You can view the full psychology on Kindle collection via the following link.
You can read editions of the Psychology News Letter published earlier this year via the links below.
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