JAMP and The Resolution of the Glitch

Dr. Lahab Al-Samarrai & Christy Foster

JAMP and The Resolution of the Glitch, book cover and description.

JAMP and The Resolution of the Glitch, Amazon Customer Review 1

Picture the scene:

You’re having a run-of-the-mill day, doing your grocery shopping, when someone says something directed toward you and your children who are whining about something or another for the hundredth time that day. You’re overwhelmed, but those words catch your attention immediately. You’re triggered – fuming on the inside like a boiling cauldron waiting to explode. This isn’t uncommon for you as you regularly find yourself in a reactive state. Whether it’s past trauma or an unpleasant experience that makes you revisit this triggered frame of mind, you often find yourself feeling powerless. You’re angry, annoyed, afraid, sad, or just downright overwhelmed with all the mental chatter that you deal with on a regular basis. You’re living in the glitch.

The truth of the matter is that we all have a glitch that we contend with. These patterns of reactivity that then lead to certain behaviors keep us stuck in a circle instead of allowing us to move through a natural spiral. One where we can revisit past pain without getting sucked back in. One where we can see our past experiences through a different lens. In JAMP© & The Resolution of The Glitch, we’ll be walking you through the steps to:

  • Identify the glitch;
  • Acknowledge what it’s tied to;
  • Work through it using the principles of JAMP©.

You don’t have to sit in neutral for the rest of your life. You can unlearn certain ways of dealing with trauma – both the original trauma and the self-induced trauma that occurs when you relive the past. Many people will spend their entire lives living in a memory of what was and trying to make sense of it. They essentially miss out on their present and their entire future by weighing themselves down with this mental baggage. Here’s the reality:

  • You didn’t deserve what happened to you that made you this way;
  • You probably had no control over what happened in your past;
  • You DO have control over what you do next.

Come with us and let’s take your power back. The future is yours to create without the immense weight of The Glitch.

JAMP and The Resolution of the Glitch, Amazon Customer Review 2

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About The Authors

Dr. Lahab Al-Samarrai

Dr. Lahab Al-Samarrai is a licensed clinical psychotherapist with a Master’s in clinical psychology and a Ph.D. in clinical psychotherapy with a sub-specialty in child and adolescent psychotherapy. He has been practicing for over twenty-five years in residential, clinical settings, schools, universities, and private settings. Dr. Lahab has worked extensively with children, adolescents, and adults – providing individual therapy, couples therapy, family therapy, and group therapy as well as lecturing and providing supervision to all student professionals. Dr. Lahab is the past President of the Washington Counseling Association.

Dr. Lahab developed a propriety trauma treatment he named Jungian Advance Motor Processing© (JAMP©) (AL-SAMARRAI, 2020). The IFC’s JAMP© (AL-SAMARRAI, 2020) treatment is revolutionary in the treatment of trauma, complex trauma & complex PTSD. His Institute for Conflict has trained and certified 18 JAMP© (AL-SAMARRAI, 2020) Transformational Coaches to date. The Institute For Conflict, & JAMP© (AL-SAMARRAI, 2020) Training Institute with the affiliate Institutions of www.JAMP©University.com, www.JAMP©TrainingInstitute.com, www.JAMP©Online.com & www.instituteforconflict.com are focused on teaching students, practitioners, clinical theory and treatment interventions. The IFC’s international conferences, podcasts, courses, and special lectures address successful internal/external conflict transformation and promote researched healing strategies in individuals, schools, hospitals, and companies.

Dr. Lahab has presented at several local & international conferences on clinical psychology, trauma, and on conflict in North America and Western Europe – and has lived in and visited several countries in the Middle East, Europe, and North Africa. He is versatile and bilingual (Arabic and English) and has been studying and exploring psychology, philosophy, political science, and multicultural issues for the past 30 years.

In addition to JAMP and The Resolution of The Glitch, Dr. Lahab Al-Samarrai's other published work includes The JAMP Protocols Book 1: The Archetype of Healing.

You can learn more about the transformative work of Dr. Lahab by visiting www.jamptraininginstitute.com and you can connect with him online via LinkedIn

Christy Foster

Christy Foster is a Cranio-Sacral therapist and a pioneering educator, speaker, and mentor in the field of Body-Mind Integration. She specializes in teaching Health and Wellness practitioners on how to interpret the subconscious language of the body. Christy is the first certified teacher of the Psychosomatic Therapy Process in the United States by the Psychosomatic Therapy College, Australia. Her proven system is derived from her 28 years of practical application and education in advanced therapeutic techniques, including Cranio-Sacral Therapy, Emotional Release Trigger Point Therapy, Spinal Touch Therapy, Licensed Massage Therapy, and Energetic-balancing Techniques.

Christy’s mission is to empower and create self-awareness for her students and clients. The education she provides serves as a supplement to the expertise of a broad range of Health and Wellness practitioners, therapists, and individuals - empowering them to enhance their practices and lives to facilitate more comprehensive and effective therapy.

You can learn more about Christy by visiting her website christyfoster.co and you can connect with her online via LinkedIn.

Fascinating introduction to spell-casting (using words or language to generate an outcome).

"A spell caster is an archetypal pattern, and it can stir up different emotions or judgments based on your own experience and beliefs...In this context, Dr. Lahab and Christy Foster discuss creating an outcome through specific words to bring about a particular effect or result."

Visit youtube.com/@instituteforconflict to watch all The Archetypes of Destiny podcast episodes.

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